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2001/12/17 - Borland a Company to watch in 2002
Intelligent Enterprise Magazine has selected a dozen companies to watch in 2002.
Among them is Borland, with six consecutive quarters of profitability.
Dale Fuller attributes this success to JBuilder's growing market penetration.
2001/12/07 -
Last week, Borland, IBM, Merant, QNX Software Systems, Rational Software, RedHat, SuSE, and TogetherSoft announced the formation of, an open consortium of providers of development tools that manages the Eclipse Platform, which is being made available in open source under the Common Public License.
These companies, each of which plans to release Eclipse Platform compatible product offerings, form the initial board of directors.
2001/12/03 - JBuilder 6 and Oracle9iAS
Oracle has just announced integration of Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) with Borland JBuilder 6.
Using the new integration plug-in for JBuilder 6, developers can realize significant timesavings when building applications for Oracle9iAS.
A free Oracle9iAS development license is included on the JBuilder 6 Companion Tools CD.
2001/11/28 - JBuilder 6 Available
According to the press release, JBuilder 6 is now shipping.
As soon as I receive my copy, I'll write some articles about it (especially about the "Web Service Toolkit for Java" add-on).
2001/11/20 - Borland JBuilder MobileSet
Borland and Nokia announced (at the 6th International Nokia Mobile Internet Conference) that Borland would expand Borland JBuilder and Borland C++Builder MobileSet to support the new Nokia Series 60 platform, as well as a new Borland C++ development environment for the Nokia Symbian OS-based platform.
This means we can develop mobile applications using the forthcoming Borland C++Builder MobileSet, based on the next version of Borland C++Builder, or with JBuilder MobileSet.
2001/11/13 - Borland Web Services Toolkit for Java
According to the official press release: JBuilder 6 will provide full support for Web Services with an upcoming release of the Borland Web Services Toolkit for Java.
This add-on will automatically integrate into JBuilder 6 Enterprise and will enable developers to manage the complexity of Web Services, facilitate integration with non-J2EE applications and deploy Web Services to major architectures, based on the latest standards.
2001/10/22 - Borland CEO talks about competing with Microsoft
In an interview with InfoWorld, Borland CEO Dale Fuller attributes much of Borland's current success to JBuilder.
He also claims to be leading the market in Web Services today, and again mentions the bridge between the J2EE world and the .NET world (which would require SOAP and Web Services support in JBuilder - as previously announced).
2001/10/08 - Borland and the Java Community Process
In the latest edition of A Sip From The Firehose, DavidI writes about the Java Community Process and Borland's involvement in the Executive Committee.
2001/09/26 - Web Services strategy for Java
Borland has announced its strategy to provide Web Services development and deployment solutions for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE).
Borland will add Web Services support to JBuilder and Borland AppServer.
This announcement could mean the bridge between J2EE and .NET in an industry standard way.
2001/09/21 - JBuilder 6 with SOAP
On Monday, at the opening keynote of the European Borland Conference in London, some interesting pre-announcements were made by Nigel Brown of Borland UK.
Nigel Brown showed a time-line and mentioned the upcoming releases of Kylix 2 (Q4 2001) and JBuilder 6 (Q4 2001) and the Borland Enterprise Studio for Java version 3 (with JBuilder 6) and a new Borland Enterprise Studio for Windows (containing both Delphi and C++Builder), both for Q1 2002.
Nigel Brown called Delphi 6 the first development environment from Borland with SOAP and web services support, but made it clear that this [SOAP and web services] would be available in the next versions of JBuilder (6) and Kylix (2).
Also, when asked, Jason Vokes (from Borland UK) confirmed that the next release of C++Builder is also in the works, with SOAP and web services support, of course.
No press releases or further information had been made available, but the announcement itself came from a reliable source (Nigel Brown and Jason Vokes, Borland UK), and was made at a public conference.
2001/08/21 - Borland Enterprise Studio for Java
Borland just announced the availability of Borland Enterprise Studio for Java (also called Enterprise Studio).
Borland Enterprise Studio for Java contains the following:
2001/08/10 - Borland: The Missing Link?
DevX reports that Borland plans to be the missing link between .NET and Java.
As you may have heard by now, Microsoft will not support Java in .NET at all.
According to Borland CEO Dale Fuller, Borland is going to step into that gap, providing to everyone the ability to have Java on .NET.
But that's not all, because Borland also plans to provide a Java-.NET connection back (starting in Java and porting to .NET).
2001/06/07 - JBuilder MobileSet, Nokia Edition
JBuilder MobileSet is a J2ME compliant environment, integrated with JBuilder 5, to support software development in Java-enabled devices.
The MobileSet development environment is integrated into JBuilder 5 for building J2ME applications using the MIDP and CLDC platforms.
JBuilder MobileSet, Nokia Edition is being distributed to all attendees at JavaOne in San Francisco, June 4 through 8.
It will also be made available for download shortly after the conference.
2001/06/05 - Open Letter on Internet Registration
In an open letter to the Borland Community, David Intersimone Vice President of Developer Relations, outlines the new Internet registration process for JBuilder 5 and Delphi 6.
2001/06/04 - Borland JBuilder 5 Available!
Borland has released a lot of news regarding JBuilder 5 today (at JavaOne).
First of all, JBuilder 5 is available now, so get your copy and start working with the latest version of the number one Java development environment in the world!
2001/06/04 - Borland JBuilder 5 and Nokia
As if that wasn't enough, Borland also announced a collaboration with Nokia which among others produced JBuilder MobileSet, Nokia Edition the first in Borland's product line supporting Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME platform).
2001/05/15 - Borland Announces JBuilder 5
Today, Borland announced the new JBuilder 5, making Java development easier than ever with more than 100 new and enhanced features.
2001/04/02 - Book Review: Java Server Pages
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) has just reviewed the Java Server Pages book from O'Reilly.
2001/03/10 - Mr.Haki's Expresso: InternetBeans Express #2
Mr.Haki has written the second article in his new (bi-monthly) column on JBuilder, called Mr.Haki's Expresso.
In his column, Mr.Haki takes a closer look at the JBuilder 4 InternetBeans Express library and shows how to use it when developing web applications.
Last time the focus was on displaying information, while this time the focus will be on interaction, using a login form and a PageProducer.
2001/02/26 - Book Review: Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf
O'Reilly has done it again: The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf contains a powerhouse of books from O'Reilly (one print and seven electronic):
both electronic and print versions of Java Enterprise in a Nutshell, plus electronic versions of Java in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition; Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell; Enterprise JavaBeans, 2nd Edition; Java Servlet Programming; Java Security; and Java Distributed Computing.
Available from (with a 20% discount) and (with a 9% discount), and now reviewed in detail on this website!
2001/02/14 - Borland Enterprise Studio Java Edition
Borland just announced the release of Borland Enterprise Studio Java Edition.
Borland Enterprise Studio Java Edition consists of the following leading technologies:
2001/02/09 - Sun's Open Response to Microsoft
Sun has offered an Open Response to Microsoft.
According to Sun, "JUMP is a software tool that will help developers, who feel abandoned by Microsoft after the recent Sun-Microsoft settlement, convert Visual J++ generated Java language code to C# (C-sharp)."
2001/02/02 - JBuilder for Wireless Application Development
At LinuxWorld Expo in New York, Borland just announced its licensing of all currently available components of Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) technologies from Sun Microsystems.
2001/02/01 - JBuilder Foundation on Linux
At LinuxWorld Expo in New York, Borland just announced that several Linux vendors (Caldera, TurboLinux, SuSE and MandrakeSoft) will include JBuilder 4 Foundation with their upcoming distributions.
2001/01/31 - J++ JUMP on .NET
For the last few Visual J++ developers out there who didn't move to JBuilder yet, Microsoft has just offered a Java User Migration Path (JUMP) to .NET on its Java Contract Lawsuit Update webpage.
Available in the second half of this year, it would include, among others, a tool to convert your J++ code to C# (so that's what continued support for Visual J++ really means).
2001/01/26 - Microsoft settles with Sun
Microsoft has reached a settlement with Sun Microsystems regarding the Java technology license agreement.
Since Visual J++ has been pronounced dead for some time, this comes as no surprise.
Microsoft is now free to focus its resources on .NET and C# for example.
2001/01/22 - Inprise no more: Borland is back!
Well, it's official: as of today Monday, January 22nd, the name Borland is back (including BORL as the Nasdaq ticker symbol instead of INPR).
2001/01/08 - Book Review: XML Pocket Reference
I just reviewed the XML Pocket Reference from O'Reilly.
This 107-page book is the size of two 3.5" floppy disks, but contains a lot of information and has a very low price.
2000/12/19 - Mr.Haki's Expresso: InternetBeans Express
Mr.Haki is starting a new monthly column on JBuilder, called Mr.Haki's Expresso.
In his first column, Mr.Haki takes a closer look at the JBuilder 4 InternetBeans Express library and shows how to use it when developing web applications.
First we focus on the PageProducer
and static HTML template architecture.
In a future article we will see how we can use the custom tags from the InternetBeans Express library in our web application.
2000/12/13 - Book Review: Special Edition Using Java Server Pages (JSP) and Servlets
Special Edition Using Java Server Pages (JSP) and Servlets (available from and with a 30% discount) shows shows you how to use server-side Java to create dynamic web applications.
The book is intermediate-advanced, but offers beginning Java developers a framework for writing short Java routines for Java web applications (without needing to know all Java classes).
The book shows you how to hook the web server into various application servers using CORBA, RMI and EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans), how to use JDBC to connect to your database, how you can generate XML from both servlets and Java Server Pages, and finally how you can read/parse XML using the Java XML Parsing API.
2000/12/12 - Borland in Executive Committee
Borland was elected to the Executive Committee of the Java Community Process (JCP) Program 2.0.
The JCP is an open and comprehensive community-based process to develop and revise Java technology specifications, reference implementations and technology compatibility kits.
2000/11/28 - JBuilder 4 Review
After having played with JBuilder 4 for some time, Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) has written another JBuilder 4 Review to follow-up on his initial JBuilder 4 Preview, his JBuilder 4 Archive Builder Wizard article, and Hubert & Dave's Team Development article.
2000/11/15 - Referentia for JBuilder 4
Available from Referentia for JBuilder 4 - made by Charlie and Margie Calvert - the easiest way to learn how to use JBuilder 4 from the ground up.
The previous version, Referentia for JBuilder 3 was impressive (read the Opinion on Referentia for JBuilder 3 of Mr.Haki).
2000/11/08 - JBuilder 4 Foundation Edition
The JBuilder 4 Foundation Edition is available for download now!
Note that you can already read on the Borland Community website about a potential small problem with JBuilder 4 Foundation and the Chess sample (which doesn't run unless you manually add two packages to the Chess sample).
2000/10/24 - JBuilder 4 and Handheld Express
JBuilder 4 Handheld Express is now available for download (or at least it is announced, I wasn't able to download it myself, yet).
This article on TechWeb mentions JBuilder 4 and the new handheld device market.
2000/10/18 - JBuilder 4 and Team Development
David Henneman and Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) have joined forces and wrote this new article about JBuilder 4 Enterprise and the integrated Team Development using CVS.
2000/10/09 - JBuilder 4 Archive Builder
Jar files contain a set of related files for a specific application.
These can be class files, images, resource files and other files.
Creating a jar file, must be done using the command-line utility jar, which is part of the JDK.
We can learn all the correct options to create a jar file, but with JBuilder 4 we don't have to.
In JBuilder 4 we now have the Archive Builder Wizard.
In this article, Mr.Haki shows how the wizard works to create archive file for an application.
2000/10/05 - First JBuilder 4 Overview
Hubert Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) has received JBuilder 4 and started to work with it.
There are numerous new features and enhancements, and Hubert has just finished his first JBuilder 4 Overview, with more to follow in the coming weeks at
2000/09/12 - Enterprise JavaBeans
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink has published another article on Enterprise JavaBeans using JBuilder 3.5EE in the July/August 2000 issue of JBuilder Developer's Journal.
2000/09/05 - JBuilder 4
Inprise/Borland today announced Borland JBuilder 4, supporting Java 2 and Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 (EJB) on Windows, Linux and Solaris.
2000/08/24 - JBuilder 4 in BeNeLux
Next month, a free Linux Developers Seminar will be held in Brussels (Sept 20) and The Hague (Sept 21).
Together with Partners Oosterkamp Training | Consultancy and TAS Advanced Technologies, Inprise will present Linux development tools such as JBuilder 4, VisiBroker/IAS and a preview of Kylix.
2000/07/18 - Visual J++ no more...
At the 8th Microsoft Professional Developers Conference, it became clear that Visual J++ will no longer be part of the Microsoft development strategy.
Visual Studio.NET consists of Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual FoxPro and the new language C#.
2000/07/17 - JBuilder for Apple's Mac OS X
At the Borland Conference in San Diego, we saw the latest pet project of Chief Architect Blake Stone: JBuilder on an iMac running Apple's Mac OS X.
The press release also mentions full support for Apple's new Aqua look-and-feel user interface.
JBuilder for Mac OS X will be available when Apple releases Mac OS X itself (early next year).
2000/07/01 - Assertions in JBuilder
Mr.Haki's updateted article on Assertions in JBuilder has been printed in JBuilder Developer's Journal.
Assertions can be used as a debugging tool to test that conditions assumed to be true are never violated.
The Java language itself doesn't provide assertions.
But luckily for us, Borland JBuilder does (in a way), and Mr.Haki shows you how.
2000/06/25 - Microsoft Announces C#
Microsoft has just announced Microsoft.Net - the Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS).
This means that every new Microsoft product will work on the "internet platform" rather than (only) on the Windows platform.
Microsoft will release a new language called C# (formerly codenamed COOL), especially suited for building Web applications.
C# will be a Microsoft-proprietary Java-clone.
For more information see Dr.Bob's C# Visions.
2000/06/16 - JBuilder 3.5 CORBA Clients
In his Dr.Bob Examines column, Dr.Bob has written a wrapper around the CodeSite Debugging Object from Raize Software, in order to turn it into a Delphi 5 CORBA Server.
Mr.Haki has written a follow-up article in which he writes a JBuilder 3.5 CORBA Client (on Linux) that talks to this CodeSite CORBA Server.
2000/06/14 - Mr.Haki's JBuilder Jar #65
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) has published his last JBuilder tip (#65) for his biweekly JBuilder Jar, a place with tips and tricks for Java developers in general and JBuilder (Foundation Edition) users in particular.
This time, Mr.Haki is talking about synchronizing the output directory.
2000/05/17 - Inprise/Borland - Corel merger terminated
Inprise/Borland and Corel have terminated the proposed merger agreement!
Read all about it from the Inprise/Borland and Corel websites.
Further updates and comments can be read on my Borland.comments.
2000/05/11 - JBuilder Developer's Journal
Apart from Bob's two articles on JavaBeans, Mr.Haki is also writing articles for the JBuilder Developer's Journal, and he may even becoming a regular columnist!
One of Mr.Haki's Using JBuilder papers is now available in the on-line edition of JBuilder Developer's Journal.
In this article Mr.Haki is using the Timer class in a simple application.
2000/01/11 - JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition (4)
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink, aka Mr.Haki, has written his last article in the serie on JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition, listing some missing and/or disabled features in the Foundation Edition.
1999/12/17 - JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition (3)
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink, aka Mr.Haki, has written his third article on JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition, about some enhancements and features like on-the-fly syntax checking, help, HTML, etc.
1999/12/14 - JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition (2)
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink, aka Mr.Haki, has written his second article on JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition.
Mr.Haki is now writing a number of papers to focus on some of the enhancements that we can find in the new JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition.
And there are quite a few, so be prepared to keep coming back for more...
1999/12/11 - Java Madness: Using JBuilder Foundation
Charlie Calvert has also written a course on using JBuilder Foundation to create applications and applets on the Linux and Windows platforms.
1999/12/10 - JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition (1)
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink, aka Mr.Haki, wouldn't be much of a webmaster if he hadn't downloaded JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition already to play with it and get a first impression.
And he's now preparing a number of papers about it (for the next few days/weeks), so stay tuned...
Note: due to the huge demand for the JBuilder Foundation download, Borland's server has been overwhelmed.
If you are considering downloading JBuilder Foundation, you are advised to wait until next week when demand has slackened.
In the meantime, feel free to read Mr.Haki's report(s), of course...
1999/12/09 - JBuilder 3 Foundation Edition
At the Java Business (SM) Conference in New York City, Inprise announced the availability of JBuilder 3 Foundation, a cross platform development environment for creating Java 2 platform-based applications for Linux, the Solaris Operating Environment, and Windows.
Available for free download at
Note that this is the first official available version of JBuilder for Linux.
JBuilder Foundation is the new foundation for the future of the JBuilder product line and the perfect companion for the JDK.
1999/11/29 - TAS-AT runner-up in RAD Race
Arjan Jansen and Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (of TAS Advanced Technologies) finished second place in the European RAD Race.
Arjan and Hubert used Oracle8i, JDeveloper, JBuilder 3 Enterprise and JRun Servlets.
They received the "Best Java Solution" award.
The official Dutch Inprise Team (Jeroen Pluimers and Taco Oosterkamp, using Delphi 5) finished in fifth position.
1999/11/22 - Dynamic images with Java Servlets
In this latest article by Mr.Haki, you must already have some Java servlet experience to create a servlet, which will display and create a dynamic image.
1999/11/19 - Mr.Haki's JBuilder Jar Archive
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) is taking a little break in his continuing list of JBuilder Jar Tips, which has been a weekly feature for well over a year now.
To fully enjoy the tips and tricks for Java developers in general and JBuilder users in particular, check out this complete list of JBuilder Jar Tips.
1999/10/20 - Inprise Announces JBuilder for Solaris
Inprise announced JBuilder 3 Enterprise, Solaris Edition, making one JBuilder available on the Solaris operating environment.
JBuilder 3 Enterprise is the most comprehensive visual development tool for creating Java-platform based applications and applets that can also include JavaServer Pages technology and Java Servlets technologies, JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans technologies, and distributed CORBA applications for the Java 2 platform.
JBuilder 3 Enterprise, Solaris Edition, also includes support for the forthcoming Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE).
1999/10/02 - Review: JClass PageLayout
JClass PageLayout offers Java developers a set of methods and procedures for adding paginated, formatted, flowed-text, and image output to Java applications.
1999/09/03 - JBuilder 3 Unleashed
Now available to order from (with a 30% discount), JBuilder 3 Unleashed by Neal Ford, Ed Weber designed to help intermediate to advanced level Java developers obtain the information and techniques needed to create mission critical JBuilder applications.
The book picks up where most JBuilder books leave off and provides the information needed by developers to create robust and maintainable JBuilder Client/Server and multi-tier applications.
We've received our copy earlier this week, and I've just finished reading it (all 1072 pages).
The book consists of three parts.
The first part is just introducing JBuilder 3.
The second part is about Design and Team Development Strategies.
The third and by far biggest part (75% of the book) is about Language and Environment Techniques.
This starts with OO in Java and JBuilder, moving on to advanced programming techniques, all the way to just about every (advanced) JBuilder 3 topic.
Topics covered include: Advanced object-oriented design and programming techniques in Java, Enterprise JavaBeans, Serialization, Threading, NMI, Multi-tier development: implementation of applications and applets, RMI, CORBA, Enprise's MIDAS technology, N-tier, Application Development, Source code control, Deployment.
1999/08/28 - JDataStore: 100% Pure Java Database
Inprise anounces JDataStore, a 100% Pure Java DBMS, delivering true platform independence and portability, enabling developers to create, deploy, and support applications that reach the market faster and at a lower total cost of ownership.
With its small footprint, virtually zero administration, and top performance, JDataStore provides developers with an optimum solution for embedded, Web, and mobile database applications.
1999/07/15 - New JBuilder 3 Source Editor Features
Hubert must be having too much time on his hands (now that he's also working for TAS Advanced Technologies), since he has written yet another JBuilder 3 article.
This time, Mr.Haki covers new features in the JBuilder 3 Source Editor.
1999/07/13 - Localising text in Java applications
Hubert has written another article, this time about JBuilder 2 and the support for localising the messages in our application.
1999/07/12 - Book Review: SQL Database Programming with Java
The book Visual Developer SQL Database Programming with Java focuses on SQL, and how to use the JDBC in conjunction with databases.
Even if it's a bit dated, this is still a very good book if you want to learn and use SQL in your Java programming.
Read the full review for more details.
1999/07/05 - Book Review: Java Servlets
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) has been reading the book Developing Java Servlets from James Goodwill.
If you are just starting out writing Java servlets it can be a nice introduction, but you need a different book to start writing real servlets.
Read the full review for more details...
1999/06/08 - Inprise and Microsoft sign Strategic Alliance
Microsoft and Inprise today announced the completion of a set of strategic technology and licensing agreements that will be the foundation for a long-term alliance between the two companies.
The announcement includes a $25 million purchase by Microsoft of shares of Inprise preferred stock.
1999/05/02 - JBuilder 3 CORBA Support
A new article about JBuilder 3 is published on Mr.Haki's JBuilder Machine (again with kind permission from, of course).
Dave Henneman, Chief Engineer and co-webmaster of the CORBA Universe, joins us with his report on JBuilder 3 CORBA Support.
1999/04/22 - JBuilder 3 for Windows, Solaris and Linux
JBuilder 3 will be available on multiple platforms: first, on Microsoft Windows in May (which is the subject of this website); second, on Sun Solaris, which is planned to be available before the end of the calendar year; and third, on Linux, which is planned to be available following the Solaris platform release (so probably sometime next year).
The Windows version of JBuilder 3 is not yet 100% pure Java, which accounts for most of the porting issues for Solaris and Linux.
1999/04/19 - JBuilder 3 Web Launch
Today, announced JBuilder 3 - the latest release of the visual Java development environment from, supporting Java 2!
We've had a week with sneak previews, and now it's the turn for the official information from - so take a good look at for the latest news.
JBuilder 3 comes in three editions: JBuilder 3 Standard (entry-level visual Java development), JBuilder 3 Professional (serious Java development) and JBuilder 3 Enterprise (Java CORBA development).
1999/04/15 - JBuilder 3 Preview (6)
Today, some comments (and feedback) is incorporated into the JBuilder 3 Preview.
Be sure to watch this space next week for more hot news about JBuilder 3...
1999/04/14 - JBuilder 3 Preview (5)
Today, Mr.Haki explores a new JBuilder 3 feature that allows us to see the output of our application.
1999/04/13 - JBuilder 3 Preview (4)
Today, Mr.Haki explores a new JBuilder 3 feature called the BeanChooser.
1999/04/12 - JBuilder 3 Preview (3)
Today, Mr.Haki explores new JBuilder 3 features such as the Tree view of the visual designer, and drag-and-drop.
1999/04/11 - JBuilder 3 Preview (2)
Today, Mr.Haki explores new JBuilder 3 features such as property editors for borders and icons, and property exposure.
1999/04/10 - JBuilder 3 Preview (1)
With permission from, Mr.Haki will be presenting some JBuilder 3 Previews the next few days.
Today, we see that we have better help in JBuilder 3.
1999/02/19 - COOL: Microsoft may drop Visual J++
Visual J++ users are concerned about the latest news: Microsoft has announced no plans to update or upgrade Visual J++ 6.0 or its other Java implementations to comply with the Java 2 specification, which arrived from Sun in December.
Moreover, sources now claim Microsoft is seriously considering dropping further development of Visual J++ (which was updated last fall as part of Visual Studio 6), and instead working on COOL (C++ Object Oriented Language), which is tightly aligned with Windows 2000 and the forthcoming Component Object Model+ (COM+) environment.
"Java is under serious constraint and uncertainty over how any vendor can innovate around it, whether it's our tools or any other.
We have to determine if that uncertainty is acceptable," said Greg Leake, lead product manager for Visual Studio.
"It depends on the lawsuit.
I can't speculate further than that."
1998/12/16 - Database Servlet
Mr.Haki has written another article, this time about Database Servlets.
In this article we will build a servlet, which will use data from a table of a database.
This data will presented in a table to the user in a browser.
So instead of a grid control, a HTML table with all data available will be presented to the user.
This way we can access tables from any type of browser, because the servlet will serve the data as plain HTML text.
1998/11/26 - Swing and Borders
The border property of JFC Swing javabeans is a property that must be created by hand in our Java source code, and not in the Inspector (the borders found in the package aren't real components that we can put on the Component Palette and use in the UI Designer).
This is a flaws of JFC Swing: not everything is a component (or bean) and can be used accordingly in a Java IDE like JBuilder.
Fortunately, Mr.Haki has written a new article specifically about making beans of the swing.border package.
1998/11/20 - Inprise offers to help Microsoft
At the Inprise Conference in Tokyo, Inprise offered to license its 100% Pure Java Technolofy to Microsoft.
"Inprise is ready to help Microsoft, Sun and customers of both companies obtain the benefit of 100% Pure Java cross-platform technology by licensing our JBuilder technology to Microsoft," said Del Yocam, Inprise chairman and CEO.
1998/11/19 - Sun beats Microsoft
A U.S. District Court judge ruled that Microsoft has 90 days to modify all its products that use the Java technology, to make them compatible with Sun's original specifications.
This includes Windows 98, Internet Explorer, Visual J++ and the SDK for Java.
1998/10/23 - Java Splash Screens
When an application is started it usually takes a little (or a long) time before the application is really visible.
In the startup process properties need to be read and set, a lot of initialization takes place.
A user of the application is unaware of what is going on behind the screens, and is only annoyed by the long waiting time.
To enlighten the user a bit, and show that something is happening, we can use a splash screen when the application is started.
Mr.Haki has written a new article that shows how to build your own Java Splash Screens in JBuilder.
1998/09/30 - JMIDAS: MIDAS Client for Java
Just wanted to make sure you're aware of the MIDAS Client for Java as well, since it is now shipping (contact your local Inprise office).
Using JMIDAS, we can connect to a Delphi MIDAS Server, for example.
John Kaster, Enterprise Product Manager, is working on putting up a white paper on it for our web site shortly.
1998/09/15 - Assertions in JBuilder
Assertions can be used as a debugging tool to test that conditions assumed to be true are never violated.
The Java language itself doesn't provide assertions.
But luckily for us, Borland JBuilder does (in a way), and Mr.Haki shows you how in his latest article on JBuilder Assertions.
1998/09/06 - Preconference Tutorial
Mr.Haki's pre-conference tutorial about JavaBeans is available now on this website (and will also be published on the updated CD-ROM for ICon98 conference attendees).
1998/09/04 - Mr.Haki's JBuilder Jar #1
As of today, Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) is starting a new section on the JBuilder Machine, called the JBuilder Jar, with weekly tips and tricks for Java developers in general and JBuilder users in particular.
Check out Mr.Haki's first tip entitled: Don't lose your output...
1998/08/21 - Building Applets in JBuilder
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink - aka Mr.Haki - has updated his article on Building Applets in Borland JBuilder, about a SiteMap Applet that can give an overview of a website, such as this one.
Mr.Haki also updated his article on JavaDoc for JBuilder 1, and wrote a new paper about JavaDoc (and JBDoc) for JBuilder 2, both focus on ways to create documentation for your Java classes in JBuilder.
1998/06/14 - JBuilder 2 Servlets
Yet another article by Java-expert Hubert Klein Ikkink.
This time the focus is on JBuilder 2 Servlets - after applets and applications for the client desktop, it is time to bring Java to the server-side...
1998/06/12 - JBuilder 2 Features
JBuilder 2 has been released almost a month ago, so it is time to take a look at some of the new features.
And there are a lot of new features!
Let's start with a look at the JBuilder 2 Code Insight, as described by co-webmaster Hubert Klein Ikkink.
1997/10/25 - Create Documentation for your Java classes
If you have been working with Borland JBuilder to write your own classes, you probably know the feeling.
You're writing your own program and once you have written some code, you click on the Doc tab in the AppBrowser window.
Then you expect to see automatic generated documentation for your program, at least we did.
Alas, JBuilder will show the message: No JavaDoc file found.
Co-webmaster (for the JBuilder Machine) and Java/JBuilder-Expert Hubert Klein Ikkink wrote an article about JavaDoc to explain step-by-step how to generate documentation for your own Java classes.
1997/08/08 - Borland JBuilder
Last friday, I had a press conference in The Netherlands about the upcoming launch of JBuilder.
I've seen demos and presentations about it, and I've been playing a little with JBuilder myself, and I want to announce a JBuilder section of my website called Dr.Bob's JBuilder Machine.
1997/07/14 - JBuilder Announced
At the Borland Conference in Nashville (read my Conference Report), Borland announced the JBuilder Family of Pure Java Development Tools for Creating Corporate "InfoNet" Applications.
1997/02/04 - Oracle licenses JBuilder Oracle Licenses Borland's Java Development Tools. Borland and Oracle announced that Oracle licensed Borland's Java and C++ development technologies for use with Oracle database systems and application development tools. Under the terms of the license agreement, Oracle will integrate and distribute Borland's C++Builder and JBuilder with a number of Oracle's existing and future products, including Developer/2000, Designer/2000 and Sedona. |
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