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This page contains links to the 59 Delphi articles and papers published on my website. Apart from these articles, you should also read my Dr.Bob Examines columns.
5 Delphi tutorials:
The following big articles are based on original material (from my Under Construction column) in The Delphi Magazine, but updated and rewritten to be used as Borland Conference papers, among others:
Delphi 32-bits Efficiency - Performance Optimisation Techniques
How To Write Components - The Art of Component Building
How To Write Property/Component Editors - Delphi Open Tools API (1)
How To Write Experts/Wizards - Delphi Open Tools API (2)
ViCiouS: How To Write Delphi VCS - Delphi Open Tools API (3)
13 Delphi/Kylix/C++Builder Tip-of-the-Hats:
Tip #13: Design or Runtime?
In this tip I show how to distinguish between design-time and runtime inside your applications.
Tip #12: C++Builder 5 WebBroker DLLs
In this tip I fix the "only one data module per application" error for C++Builder 5 WebBroker DLLs.
Tip #11: Apache DSO and Post with Kylix 1.0
In this tip I fix a bug in Kylix 1.0 Server Developer for Apache DSO applications using POSTs.
Tip #10: Start Me Up!
In this tip I explain some of the Delphi 5 start-up options that are available and can be very handy.
Tip #9: Components and Names
In this tip I explain some gotchas with the T42Edit, T42Label and T42DBEdit components.
Tip #8: Data-Aware Right-Aligned T42DBEdit
In this tip I implement a data-aware edition of the right-aligned (numerical) T42Edit.
Tip #7: Shading T42Label
In this tip I implement a TLabel component with lowered and raised shading styles.
Tip #6: Right-Aligned T42Edit
In this tip I implement a right-aligned TEdit component which is handy for numerical input.
Tip #5: Delphi 1.0x TCustomOutline
In this tip I fix a minor problem in the TCustomOutline component of Delphi 1.0x
Tip #4: Refresh FileListBox
In this tip I experiment with several ways to refresh the contents of the TFileListBox.
Tip #3: Enter as TAB (2)
In this tip I follow-up on the previous item by showing how to use Enter as TAB inside a TDBGrid.
Tip #2: Enter as TAB?
In this tip I answer the classic question: how can I use the enter key as tab?
Tip #1: Pointing with an hourglass
In this tip I show how to turn the mouse pointer into an hourglass and back to normal.
12 Delphi Internet Solutions sections:
Delphi ActiveForms - Introduction to ActiveForms
Debugging ActiveForms - How to Debug Your ActiveForms
Internet File Formats - HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Delphi and HTML - Producing HTML with Delphi
Delphi and CGI - Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
Delphi and CGI - Web Server Applications
Delphi, WININET and FTP - File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Delphi and Uucode - Internet File Formats (uucode)
Webmaster Magic - Helpful Utilities for Webmasters
Delphi Web Modules - Introduction to Delphi Web Modules
Delphi WebBroker - Delphi 4 WebBroker Example
Delphi and CORBA - Object Activation Daemon
10 Delphi 4 items:
Delphi Code Insight
Delphi Actions and Action Lists
Delphi 4 New Language Features
Delphi Default Parameters
Delphi Method Overloading
Delphi Dynamic Arrays
Delphi Year 2000 "pivot"
Delphi AfterConstruction and BeforeDestruction
Delphi Delphi Direct
Delphi Client/Server Web Modules
12 Delphi Under The Hood:
#12: Hidden IDE Secrets
#11: Lock on Your Status...
#10: How to Shoot the Screen
#09: How to Get an Enum's Name
#08: Time to Sleep
#07: How to Byte a Word
#06: Splash Screen and About Box
#05: Long Strings and Efficiency
#04: Is the VCL thread-safe?
#03: Open Arrays
#02: Long Strings
#01: RTTI
7 Miscellaneous Delphi papers:
DbiRegisterCallback - multi-user data-change notification for Delphi 1.0x
FindMap in Delphi - implemented using Delphi 1.0x
FindMap for Borland C++ - added to Borland C++ 4.5x IDE
Porting Delphi 1.x code to 32-bits - new types, strings, components, DLLs
How To Use C DLLs with Delphi - using the HeadConv Expert
A Resource Monitor for Delphi - including lots of tips & tricks (unplugged)
ListBox with SpeedSearch - dynamic components and events