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RAD Studio with Free Delphi for PHP

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 2/2/2008 1:56:18 PM (GMT+1)

A special RAD Studio with Free Delphi for PHP campaign has just started for those that purchase RAD Studio 2007 products between 1st February and 15th March 2008.

  1. All RAD Studio 2007 product purchases qualify (RAD Studio 2007, Delphi 2007 for Win32, C++ Builder 2007; Professional, Enterprise and Architect; Upgrades and Full Systems).
  2. Each license sale entitles the customer to one Delphi for PHP license
  3. The offer runs from 1st February to 15th March
  4. Customers will receive a CodeGear Promotion Coupon with instructions for downloading the free Delphi for PHP (English)
  5. All coupons need to be claimed by 31st March. They will be invalid after that date
As a reseller for CodeGear ESD licenses in the BeNeLux, I can only confirm that this is a great (and free!) way to get acquainted with Delphi for PHP.



Fernando Madruga 08/02/02 20:00:02Well, at least this "End of fiscal year promotion" does not involve rushing out unfinished products as they did last year, so that's a plus...
delphiuser 08/02/04 09:36:00Drat. Should've waited before buying D2007 08/04/01 05:38:07Does anyone know why a person who has BDS2006 Enterprise pays the same amount as someone who purchased BDS2006 Architect when upgrading to Rad Studio 2007 Architect? I keep looking at the pricing and the requirements and it really hurts my feelings that I purchased BDS2006 Architect and don't get a better discount. If I had known this was the way it worked, I would have purchased BDS2006 Enterprise and waited for the next release and then upgraded to RAD Studio 2007 Architect and saved $1,000.00 in the process. I hate to believe this is the way of things; I'd much rather find out I misunderstand and I can get the Upgrade for less than the listed price. Please feel free to e-mail me if I am wrong and you can tell me how to get a better price because I'd love to upgrade to RS 2007 Architect.

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