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2005/10/06: Advanced ASP.NET Training (NL)

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 9/30/2005 10:15:15 AM (GMT+1)

On October 6th, 2005, a special training day will be held (in Dutch) in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and will be all about Advanced ASP.NET Web Development with Delphi 2005. During this day, I'll build and deploy a real-world ASP.NET application (selling courseware manuals). Topics that will be covered include the following:

  • Community login: register and login using password database
  • Authentication and Authorisation (who is allowed to do what?)
  • Shopping basket with contents - also persistent after session
  • Sending e-mail from a web application
  • Database Access: BDP v. ADO.NET
  • Optimising database access (BdpDataAdapter.Active)
  • Optimising database access via Caching of DataSets
  • Insert/Update/Delete using Stored Procedures (and Parameters)
  • DataGrid with Template Columns configuration
  • Data lookup/filtering/sorting with DataViews
  • DBWeb controls (as well as custom controls)
  • User controls interaction with page and other user controls
  • XML document vs. Database tables (for simple deployment)
  • Deployment (to VMWare Win2K3 clean-machine web server without Delphi 2005)
  • Remote Database Access (via DataSync/RemoteServer/RemoteConnection/DataHub)
Dr.Bob's Delphi Training Clinic consists of one-day training events, performed in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Each Delphi 2005 training includes a courseware manual covering the specified topics, plus exercises and answers. The Delphi 2005 Clinics will be given in Dutch, although my courseware manuals are in English.


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