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2017/01/19 - Delphi Compiles Code to Linux 64-bit Server
Zhihua Lai has written an article that covers some details on Delphi 10.2 Tokyo where Delphi compiles code to Linux 64-bit Server, including
coverage of Integer Performance Comparisons of Delphi Win32, Win64 and Linux64 for Single/Multithreading Counting Prime Number.
2016/12/29 - Configure Delphi and RedHat or Ubuntu for Linux development
Craig Chapman has published an article that describes in detail how to configure Delphi and RedHat or Ubuntu for Linux development.
Kylix 3 Open Edition
You can download Kylis 3 Open Edition from ZDNet: "The Kylix development environment seamlessly integrates application design and development, enabling user to create sophisticated Linux applications faster. Quickly move from prototype to production with a unique combination of integrated features including visual design tools, the Borland CLX (Component Library for Cross-platform) component library, an advanced code editor, and a fully integrated graphical debugger, all fine-tuned to work together for the development of superior applications. It is a rapid e-business development for Linux."
2008/04/06 - Blaise Pascal Magazine
The first issue of the 44-page international edition of the Blaise Pascal programming magazine has just been published.
People can register on the website to be able to download the free edition, or you can purchase the printed edition (for world wide delivery).
The magazine contains several articles about Delphi but will also cover Kylix, Pascal and related languages. For the first issue, I've written an article about Delphi 2007 and VCL Component Building (with a follow-up article already planned for next issue). See the table of contents for the other articles, and please help spread the word by telling your Delphi programming friends about this new publication!
2007/09/25 - CrossKylix is discontinued
Simon Kissel has decided to discontinue his work on the CrossKylix project.
CrossKylix allows you to integrate the Kylix compiler in the Delphi IDE, so you can compile Linux targets from a Windows environment.
The latest version 1.0.0 from October 2004 is still available for download, supporting Delphi 6, 7, 8, 2005 and 2006 (but with the CLX designer only available in Delphi 6 and 7).
2005/09/25 - Blogging about Delphi and Kylix
In case you haven't read it before, I've started to use my weblog as main means to share news and my feelings about Borland Delphi and Kylix.
2005/08/26 - Kylix - Borland Classic Product
Borland Classic Products now lists Kylix 3 among classic products such as Borland Turbo C++ (which seems to include C++BuilderX Personal) and Turbo Assembler. For some people, this means Kylix is dead now, but I don't completely agree with that conclusion.
Sure, it may be the end for Kylix support and future development of Kylix itself, but as a developer I still use Kylix 3 (or rather Delphi 7 + CrossKylix with the Kylix 3 stuff from the CD) to write and deploy some Linux web server and web service applications for some of my clients.
So for me, the rumours of Kylix' death have been greatly exaggerated ;-)
2005/04/17 - Unofficial VisualCLX patch 3.8.1
Andreas Hausladen has released the Unofficial VisualCLX patch version 3.8.1 for download.
2005/03/23 - ZipTV Compression for Kylix 3
Beta version of powerful compression components now available for Kylix 3.
Easily add support for many compressed files to you application or easily migrate already existing Windows applications using ZipTV to Linux.
The project is in beta: most of the components and some demos are available (see the website for more details and contact information).
2005/02/28 - Next Unofficial VisualCLX patch
According to Andreas Hausladen, the following patches will be in the next unofficial VisualCLX patch:
2005 February - The Delphi Magazine #114
For the February issue of The Delphi Magazine, I have written an article about Using .ini Files As Databases.
In this article, I show how the humble .ini file can easily do duty for us in those situations where a database library or DBMS of some kind is needed but would in reality be overkill for your apps.
Not only that, but they provide a cross-platform solution that works on Win32, .NET and Linux (with Kylix).
2004/11/01 - CrossKylix 1.0
Simon Kissel has released version 1.0 of CrossKylix, a free toolkit to integrate the Borland Kylix command-line compiler into the Delphi 7 IDE.
CrossKylix allows me to develop cross-platform web/server/middleware applications with Delphi, and compile to a Linux native executable (without having to switch to my Linux box).
Read the CrossKylix webpage to understand how it all works (you need to own Delphi 6/7 and Kylix 3).
I love it!
2004/10/05 - Kylix Exec-Shield Fix
As reported in the Borland Kylix Newsgroups, applications compiled with Kylix will crash on Linux distributions running the 2.6.8 Kernel including the exec-shield patch.
Currently this is happening with Red Had Fedora Core 2, but soon other distributions probably will also be affected.
Simon Kissel has posted a detail analysis and fix on his CrossKylix website.
2004/09/21 - Kylix Community Project
The Meet The Delphi Team session at BorCon was started by Michael Swindell with an announcement regarding Kylix, namely the Kylix Community Project (with both Michael Swindell and Allen Bauer from Borland involved, and people like Chad Z. Hower, Andreas Hausladen, Olaf Monien, and Charlie Calvert as well as yours truly associated to it).
The purpose is to improve Kylix and CLX, support newer versions of Linux distributions, etc.
We shouldn't expect new features (I think), but better compatibility with news distros.
John Kaster is working on providing more information on this, which will be made available on BND some time next week (hopefully, if everything goes well, nothing else comes up, etc.).
2004/09/03 - Use dbExpress to create/drop Tables
This article for the IBM DB2-Borland web portal illustrates the design and implementation of a Delphi application you can use to create or drop DB2 UDB tables.
The article provides several examples of sending SQL DDL to the DB2 DBMS using Delphi and the cross-platform dbExpress data access technologies.
2004/08/10 - Unofficial Qt3 for Kylix
Andreas Hausladen, the author of the unofficial Kylix 3 patches has been working on a Qt 3 C-wrapper shared object.
Apart from the shared object, he also wrote Kylix import classes and wrapper unit to support all what Qt 3.3.2 offers (not only the visual stuff like QWidget, QDialog, ... but also the tools (QString, QXml, ...) and internet classes (QUrl, QSocket, ...) and last but not least the database support (QSql, QSqlDatabase, ...) in the C-Wrapper.
Qt3 for Kylix Version 0.1 contains a precompiled (C wrapper for, QtLibrary.pas (import unit that imports all functions into "handle-classes"), QtSignalHooks.pas (import unit for the signal hooks), QtUtils.pas (functions that return interfaces which are resposible for object destruction) and three examples that show how to use the QtLibrary, QtSignalHooks and QtUtils unit.
2004/07/29 - Dynamic Data-Entry Forms
This article for the IBM DB2-Borland web portal uses Kylix 3 on Linux and the Borland dbExpress data access drivers to analyze the DB2 UDB database tables, fields (names and types) to allow the user to select a specific table, toggle which fields should be shown, and dynamically view the output in both a datagrid and individual data-aware controls.
2004/07/16 - Thin clients connecting to Linux Web Services
This article for the IBM DB2-Borland web portal demonstrates how to build the user interface (a thin-client application) for a SOAP Web service engine with Kylix 3 on Linux, exposing the data from DB2 UDB database tables to the outside world.
It's the follow-up of the DB2 Web Service engines on Linux with Kylix 3 article.
2004/07/11 - CrossKylix newsletter
As the number of CrossKylix testers has grown quite a lot, Simon Kissel has stopped sending individual e-mail messages, and started a special CrossKylix newsletter at
2004/07/01 - Mono 1.0 Released
Novell is proud to introduce Mono 1.0: a portable open source framework providing advanced development capabilities and compatible with the .NET framework.
Mono runs on Linux, Unix and Windows systems.
The "Delphi for .NET Developer's Guide" has a chapter about using Delphi 8 with Mono.
2004/06/25 - DB2 Web Service engines on Linux with Kylix 3
This article for the IBM DB2-Borland web portal (part 1 of two parts) demonstrates how to build a SOAP Web service engine with Kylix 3 on Linux, exposing the data from DB2 UDB database tables to the outside world.
In this first part, I'll start by building the server-side "engine" on Linux, exposing the data from the DB2 UDB SAMPLE database, but without the presentation layer.
In the next part, I'll build the user interface for this presentation layer, which can be on either Linux or Windows.
2004/06/10 - Unofficial Kylix 3 Patches v3.5.1
Andreas Hausladen has released version 3.5.1 of the unofficial VisualCLX patches - the unofficial VisualCLX patches 3.6 BETA is also available now.
2004/06/03 - The Future of Kylix?
In an answer on a question regarding a post in his blog, Danny Thorps says the following on Kylix:
"Kylix is included in the 3 year outlook.
Nothing I can announce as yet."
At least the "no update in 2004" may be followed by something concrete in 2005 or later.
Thanks for keeping up the spirit, Borland!
2004/05/22 - Kylix 3 and DB2 with WebSnap
I have just published another article on the IBM DB2-Borland web portal, about DB2 Web Server applications on Linux with Kylix 3 (and WebSnap).
This article shows how to build a Web server application using Kylix 3, exposing the IBM DB2 UDB SAMPLE database on the Web.
See also the complete list of articles that I wrote for the IBM DB2 - Borland web portal.
2004/04/29 - Kylix 3 for C++ and DB2
I have just published another article on the IBM DB2 - Borland web portal, about Kylix 3 for C++ and IBM DB2 UDB v8.1 on Linux.
This article shows how to use the C++ edition of Kylix 3 to work with IBM DB2 UDB tables.
See also the complete list of articles that I wrote for the IBM DB2 - Borland web portal.
2004/02/13 - What to Do With Kylix?
Nick Hodges has written an interesting weblog entry about his views on what to do with Kylix.
I have to agree with him that Kylix desktop applications are unwieldy.
However, this very week I helped deploy a command-line (XML processing) application on Linux, which was compiled with Kylix 3.
More often, however, I use the web server or web service capabilities of Kylix on Linux - using Linux as the server, and Kylix as a development environment for (web) server applications.
For me, Kylix is already a server development tool.
2004/01/27 - New unofficial VisualCLX patch & QThemed unit
Andreas Hausladen just released a new version (3.1) of the unofficial VisualCLX patch and updated QThemed unit since the last patch is about one month old and he had received some important bug reports.
The changelog for this patch is as follows:
2003/11/14 - Kylix in Limbo?
Paul Krill's article in InfoWorls wonders about Borland's Kylix in limbo, and the fact that Borland seems to be pushing C++BuilderX as the alternative (at least for Kylix C++ developers).
Ray Lishner is also convinced: Kylix is dead, long live C++BuilderX.
One thing is sure: it was announced at BorCon (read my report) that no updates for Kylix were planned in 2004, so at least until 2005 the product will remain as-is.
The Kylix Kicks website at will remain open until that time at least (although it may disappear from the top-level menu in 2004).
2003/06/25 - Fixes for Kylix 3 on newer distros
Andrés Colubri has uploaded a collection of fixes for some of the problems observed when using Kylix 3 on newer distributions (Red hat 8+, Mandrake 9+), available from CodeCentral.
A readme file with instructions is included, as well as header files that must be copied into the include directory.
Two short example projects that should work afterwards are provided.
2003/05/09 - DB2 UDB and SOAP: Database Web Services Follow-up with DataSnap
This new article shows how to add authentication to DataSnap applications using a special Login method; points out that the importance of combining this with SSL certificates for increased security; and describes how to deploy the DataSnap server application on a Web server machine.
2003/04/24 - glibc update for Kylix 3 C++ package loading
Linux distributions using glibc 2.2.x may encounter issues loading the database and SOAP packages for the Kylix 3 IDE for C++.
This patch resolves that issue.
2003/03/28 - Data Entry Input Validation
This new DB2 article from me, published on the new IBM-Borland portal shows you how to build data entry forms on top of IBM DB2 Universal Database as database tables and records, and how to perform data entry input validation using Delphi, Kylix, and C++Builder.
2003/03/26 - Kylix Developers Guide in Simplified Chinese
I was pleasantly surprised to receive a copy of SAMS' Kylix Developers Guide in the Simplified Chinese edition (not that I can read Simplified Chinese, but it's a nice book to look at - next to the Polish edition ;-)
2003/02/28 - Kylix 3 Companion CD on-line
The companion CD submissions for Borland's IDE products are now available for download - you can now browse the Kylix 3 Companion CD (with two submissions from me).
2003/02/05 - Problems Programming Qt from Kylix 3 C++ Apps
Kylix 3 (C++) provides a Qt.hpp header to permit access to the Qt API that underlies the VisualCLX components.
However, it is generated in a manner that does not support cross-platform source compatibility.
Brian Long has written an article with code about a replacement version of Qt.hpp that allows cross-platform Qt code to be written in Kylix 3 (C++).
2003/01/24 - C++Builder 6 to Kylix 3 (for C++)
Borland Kylix 3 registered users can download a new "update" for Kylix 3, which consist of a Project Conversion Utility - capable of converting a C++Builder 6 project to Kylix 3 (and back).
The same download is also available on the Borland C++Builder 6 registered users updates page.
2003/01/20 - Maximize DataSnap efficiency in Delphi
Delphi's DataSnap technology, formerly known as MIDAS, enables you to construct multitier applications.
In this article on CNET TechRepublic's I explain how to get the DataSnap Server and the DataSetProvider components to work together.
2003/01/10 - TurboPower at SourceForge
A number of SourceForge projects have been started for TurboPower products, such as:
2003/01/07 - TurboPower discontinues retail business
It is my sad duty to report that - as stated in the press release at - TurboPower Software Company is immediately withdrawing from the retail component and developer tools market, after almost 18 years!
TurboPower Software intends to open source our VCL and CLX component libraries to the maximum extent possible.
The resulting open source projects will be hosted at and the SourceForge forums associated with those projects will replace the functionality of newsgroups hosted at news://
2002/12/31 - IBM's DB2 and DataSnap
I've written a new article on the IBM DB2 - Borland portal: DB2 and Delphi/Kylix — SOAP and Database Web Services.
This article shows you how to create a cross-platform Web service with SOAP using IBM DB2 and Borland Delphi & Kylix.
2002/11/27 - Dr.Bob Examines IBM DB2 UDB
A new portal has been created to support the cooperation between IBM's DB2 and Borland's RAD development environments such as Delphi and Kylix.
I have written five articles for this web portal, of which four are already published and available online and described in my latest Dr.Bob Examines column.
2002/11/13 - Kylix 3 on Newsforge
A review (by Gavin Melhuish) of Kylix 3 has appeared at Newsforge.
The conclusion of the review is that Kylix 3 has plenty of 'programming power'.
2002/11/07 - Kylix 3 C++ Seminar
Join Borland and IBM for a free one-day technical Seminar (in the USA), customized for software professionals who are interested in leveraging the power of C++ on Linux.
Get the details and register here for the events in Chicago (Nov 14) or Washington (Nov 19).
2002/10/31 - Borland considers Mono in Kylix?
According to The Register, Borland is investigating use of Ximian Inc's Project Mono in Kylix, as a possible means for Windows developers to move .NET applications to Linux.
2002/09/26 - Kylix 3 eXtreme Toys
Registered users of Kylix 3 can now download Kylix 3 eXtreme Toys, consisting of Apache 2 support for Kylix 3 (Delphi only, no C++), which contains 3 units necessary for creating Apache 2 DSOs on Kylix 3 (40,161 bytes).
2002/09/18 - ProKylix profiler for Kylix 3
Version 3.1 of ProKylix, the high accuracy profiler for Kylix 3 is available.
New in this version (Freeware and Professional Mode) are two little bugfixes.
ProKylix measures the runtime of Delphi applications with the granularity of 1 CPU-cycle.
A sophisticated correction algorithym and the principle of source code instrumentation guarantee accurate measurement results.
The low measurement overhead allows even to profile time critical applications.
2002/09/10 - Book Review: Kylix 2 Development
It took a while to get it, but reading the book made up for everything; Kylix 2 Development is a very good book about well, Kylix 2 Development.
But since Kylix 3 doesn't change much in the way Kylix 2 works (apart from the fact that Kylix 3 also includes a C++ IDE), the book can still be used with the Kylix 3 for Delphi IDE.
I especially liked the WebSnaps chapter written by Nick Hodges, but you can read the full review to get all details yourself.
2002/09/06 - LinuxPlanet: Kylix 3 is a winner
According to this review published by LinuxPlanet, Kylix 3 is a winner.
The author even writes: "Kylix answers the needs of most Linux programmers by fully supporting C++ with the same development environment.
The result is a RAD that should quickly become Linux's most popular integrated development environment (IDE)."
2002/08/31 - Kylix 3 Open Edition
Kylix 3 Open Edition is now available for download.
Originally, it was a 319MB download, but the OS-patches have been removed from it, and the new download is only 90.7MB.
It contains both the Delphi and C++ language!
From the same location, you can also download an update to the Kylix 3 Open edition, which fixes the problem of "the inappropriate locale sensitivity that caused the compiler to expect a comma as a decimal separator".
2002/08/30 - PDA Online Kylix 2 Certification
The Personal Delphi Agents on-line Kylix 2 Certification is now available.
Also, until September 30th, anyone that purchases an online PDA Certification for $49.99 gets a second one for FREE!
This may be worthwhile for programmers who want to be certified in different levels or within different versions.
2002/08/28 - dataWeb announced TurboDB 4
dataWeb announced TurboDB 4, a major update for its industry-strength database engine for Delphi, Kylix and C++Builder.
The new version features full Unicode support, multi-session and multi-threading capabilities and the ability to store all database objects within one single database file.
These features enable TurboDB developers to build up-to-date Web Services and Web applications running under Windows/IIS as well as under Linux/Apache.
2002/08/19 - IBM's DB2 with Borland's RAD Tools
IBM and Borland will team-up and bundle trial editions of Borland's RAD tools with IBM's DB2 and vice versa.
IBM will bundle Borland's Delphi 7 Studio Architect, C++Builder Enterprise and Kylix Enterprise 30-day trial versions with the most current version of DB2 Universal Developer's Edition and Personal Edition.
Borland will offer DB2 Universal Developer's Edition with Delphi 7 Studio Architect and Enterprise, C++Builder Enterprise and Kylix.
Borland said bundling would begin "later this summer".
2002/08/13 - Kylix 3 Trial Download
Borland just announced that Kylix 3 is now shipping, and the Kylix 3 Enterprise Trial edition is now available for download (at 111 MBytes).
A Trial Edition of InterBase 6.5 is also available (to use with Kylix).
2002/08/12 - Kylix 3 Companion Tools CD
The Kylix 3 Companion Tools CD will contain two of my Linux utilities for Kylix 3, now also available on CodeCentral:
2002/08/06 - Borland Delphi 7 Studio Announced
The official press release with the announcement is now published by Borland, and the Delphi 7 Studio information is available on the Borland website.
Kylix News: Kylix 3 Enterprise (only the Delphi language) will be included in the Architect and Enterprise box, while Kylix 3 Pro (again only the Delphi language) will be included with Delphi 7 Pro.
2002/07/24 - Borland Kylix 3 Announced
Borland has announced Kylix 3 - the Delphi and C++ IDE for Linux.
Apart from the press release, there's now also Kylix 3 information available in PDF-format, such as the Data Sheet, the FAQ, the System Requirements, the Features & Benefits, and the Feature Matrix itself.
Also available now is a PDF-file with information about What's new in Kylix 3
2002/07/23 - Kylix 3 will be Announced shortly
According to eWeek and The Register, and InfoWorld Borland is about to announce Kylix 3 - containing both a Delphi and C++ IDE for Linux.
With Kylix 3 we will be now also be able to write C++ applications for Linux, using CLX to turn them into cross-platform applications (for Kylix 3 and C++Builder 6), apart from the usual cross-platform Delphi/ObjectPascal applications (with Kylix 3 and Delphi 6).
Kylix 3 information is now available on the Borland website
2002/07/03 - Reader's Choice Awards
You can now cast your vote for the Reader's Choice Awards, which contains seven categories.
Kylix 2 is nominated in the Best Linux IDE category.
2002/06/15 - WebSnap CGI with Login and Sessions
Some of you may have read my article in the March 2002 issue of The Delphi Magazine already.
In this article, I'll explain that WebSnap session management using the TSessionsService component is not available for every possible target (not without using the alternate TCookieSessionsService).
Specifically, you'll find it won't work at all for Kylix web server applications on Linux.
In this article, I'll explain what the problem is, what to do about it, and how I solved it for my own situation using WebSnap CGI web server applications written in Kylix 2 Enterprise.
The article also covers a number of deployment issues (specifically on Linux).
2002/06/04 - Dr.Bob Examines the XSLPageProducer
Ever wondered how you can convert one XML format to another format using XSL?
And how to write XSL in the first place?
In my recent Dr.Bob Examines article I show how we can use a new component in Delphi 6 (and Kylix 2 or C++Builder 6), called the TXSLPageProducer, to convert any XML data packet or document (using XSL Transformation rules).
I will also show where to get a few XSLT examples that are a bit "hidden" in Kylix.
2002/05/14 - Kylix 3: C++Builder for Linux
At the CttM in The Netherlands, Jason Vokes of Borland EMEA talked about Kylix 3, which will combine Delphi (Kylix) and C++Builder for Linux in one box!
Jason even showed how to build a WebService using C++Builder for Linux.
According to Jason Vokes, Kylix 3 could be expected in "Summer 2002"!
For those who can read Dutch, I have written a more detailed report (which also mentions the .NET command-line compiler from Borland) on my eBob42 website.
2002/04/23 - Kylix 2 BizSnap Chapter (XML & SOAP)
I have been working on an BizSnap chapter for the Kylix Developer's Guide - adding more coverage of Kylix 2 to this book.
The BizSnap chapter is now published on my website (in six parts), covering XML Document Programming and Web Services support.
2002/04/15 - Delphi/Kylix Database Development
I've finally finished my review of Delphi/Kylix Database Development, a new masterwork from Eric Harmon about dbExpress (available in both Delphi 6 and Kylix 2).
The book covers many topics, ranging from setting up a database connection to single as well as multi-tiered (DataSnap) database applications.
2002/04/11 - BobAdapt: Custom WebSnap Adapters
If you like the LoginFormAdapter, then you must have considered building your own custom adapters as well (like a CreditCardValidationAdapter, or a CustomerInfoAdapter).
However, it takes a lot of source code to write a good custom adapter (and sometimes a bit of debugging as well) - I know, I've been there, done that, and now got myself a custom adapter source generator: BobAdapt.
2002/03/27 - Updated SOAP and DataSnap papers
My latest Delphi WebBroker application is the updated dynamic paper configurator and generator.
The new version shows lots of different ways for a SOAP Server Application (in Delphi 6.02, C++Builder 6, Delphi 6/6.01, or Kylix 2 Enterprise) to use a SOAP Data Module to export the Biolife dataset to a SOAP Client Application (again in Delphi 6.02, C++Builder 6, Delphi 6/6.01, or Kylix 2 Enterprise) using a SoapConnection component.
2002/03/21 - Kylix Developer's Guide
The original book is: Kylix Developer's Guide by Charlie Calvert, Marjorie Calvert, John Kaster, Bob Swart, and David Intersimone.
The CD contains Kylix 2 Open Edition and a bonus chapter "What's New in Kylix 2", introducing the so-called "Snap" technologies in Kylix 2 such as DataSnap, WebSnap and BizSnap - see also the Table of Contents.
You can now read two sample chapters in PDF format (chapter 3 about Basic Pascal Syntax and chapter 7 about CLX Architecture and Visual Development written by Charlie Calvert).
I have written three in-depth chapters about web server development with Kylix (using NetCLX, also known as WebBroker), namely: chapter 19 (Apache Web Server Applications), chapter 20 (Web Server Development), and chapter 21 (Advanced Web Server Development).
Kylix Developer's Guide can be ordered now from and (with nice discounts and a small commission for me, so thanks in advance for ordering through these links).
2002/03/13 - dbExpress MySQL 4.0 Beta Driver
A public beta of a Kylix 2 dbExpress MySQL 4.0 beta driver is now available for download from CodeCentral.
This driver will work only with MySQL 4.0.1 (Alpha) Client and Server.
To connect from Kylix 2, change the LibraryName to "" and the vendorLib to "" in the TSQLConnection component.
2002/03/12 - Additional dbExpress Drivers
John Kaster has compiled a list of available third-party dbExpress drivers for Delphi, Kylix and C++Builder.
2002/03/04 - Kylix 2 WebSnap and Login/Sessions
The Delphi Magazine issue #79 prints my article about WebSnap Session Management For CGI,
in which I explain that WebSnap session management using TSessionsService is not available for CGI applications or Kylix web apps.
In this article, I explain what the problem is, what to do about it, and how I solved it to provide full session management for all web app targets - as you can test using the WebSnap CGI application on a Linux web server (login as guest with password guest).
2002/02/27 - Kylix 2 and IBM DB2 & Informix
Apropos Retail Management Systems, has chosen Kylix 2 and IBM Informix as the development and deployment combination for their Linux-based retail solutions.
The combined solution includes a new dbExpress driver for the IBM/Informix database with Kylix 2.
2002/02/25 - Object Pascal Container Classes
Once you know how container classes work, you can use them to store items in various meaningful ways.
In my latest Delphi article on TechRepublic, you'll see what the Object Pascal container classes can do and when to use them.
2002/02/22 - Delphi 6 and Kylix 2 Web Services
When Borland shipped Delphi 6 in May of last year, one of its new features was support for SOAP - most notably in the form of Web Services.
Kylix 2 is now also available with the same capabilities, and in an article for Web Services Journal, I demonstrate the ease of use of Delphi 6 and Kylix 2 by developing a Web service in a Delphi 6 server (running on Win32) and consuming it in a Kylix 2 client running on Linux.
The example I'm using is the IRoman Web Service, converting roman numerals into integers and back.
2002/02/04 - Dr.Bob Examines Kylix 2 Web Services
With Kylix 2 (and also Delphi 6), new BizSnap (XML and SOAP) features have been added in the form of Web Services (among others).
This is the first part of a 2-part article on building, deploying and using (consuming) Web Services in Kylix 2 & Delphi 6, starting with the IEuro Web Service written in Kylix 2 Enterprise.
2002/02/01 - Kylix 2: Best Developer Tool
According to the latest news, Kylix 2 has just won the Best Developer Tools Award at LinuxWorld.
2002/01/28 - Kylix: The Professional Developer's Guide and Reference
This is probably the Kylix book with the longest title, but don't let that put you off.
I've read it, and can honestly say (in my review) that I like it - even considering it doesn't contain any database or web development topics at all.
2002/01/19 - Official Kylix 1 Patches
There have been no issues reported with the public beta patches for Kylix 1 that were available for download on CodeCentral (the "Debugger patch for Linux 2.4 kernel" and "dbExpress driver update for MySQL 3.23").
These patches are now official Kylix 1 update patches, available for download from Borland developer support.
2002/01/16 - Dr.Bob Examines XML Mapper
Kylix 2 contains new XML features in the form of XML document programming, XML Data Binding Wizard, XML Mapper and BizSnap (SOAP/XML Web Services).
My most recent Dr.Bob Examines column follows the coverage of XML document programming and the XML Data Binding Wizard with an article about the XML Mapping Tool (also known as XML Mapper).
2002/01/05 - Borland C++ RAD for Linux
LinuxWorld Conference & Expo will contain some interesting sessions this year, including one about Rapid C++ Development for Linux by John Ray Thomas (JT), Borland's Linux RAD Product Manager, giving a special sneak preview of the upcoming Borland C++ RAD support for Linux.
Borland would also like to extend a special invite to Linux gurus with tons of C++ experience to get a chance to be part of their Field Test program for the C++ version of the Kylix product.