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2001/11/26 - Kylix 2 Enterprise "IEuro" Web Service
I've deployed my first Kylix 2 Enterprise web service: with the IEuro interface (converting 12 European currencies to Euro and back).
The IEuro interface contains two methods: FromEuro and ToEuro, both having a WideString as first argument (the European currency - FIM, ITL, NLG, ESP, BEF, ATS, LUF, DEM, FRF, IEP, PTE, and GRO) and a "double" amount as second argument, returning the result as "double" as well.
2001/11/23 - Dr.Bob's Tip of the Hat #11
In this latest Tip of the Hat (the first one for Kylix) we'll examine (and fix) a bug in Kylix 1.0 Server Developer when writing Apache DSO applications using POSTs.
2001/11/19 - Dr.Bob on DevX #7 - WebBroker Reporting
I have written my seventh article in the Delphi 10-Minute Solution column (as Delphi Pro) on DevX.
This new 10-Minute Solution shows how to Produce HTML Reporting Output with WebBroker Components - a feature available in Delphi, C++Builder and Kylix.
You can now download the source code for this solution.
2001/11/17 - FreeCLX updates available for download
Mark Duncan of Kylix R&D has updated FreeCLX.
Kylix 1 users can get many of the CLX bug fixes released with Kylix 2 in this public beta download.
2001/11/13 - Kylix 2 XMLMapper and XML Transforms
John Kaster has just published a paper about the use of XMLMapper and XML Transformations with Kylix 2 Enterprise, based on a chapter for the CD-ROM of the upcoming book Kylix Developer's Guide (for which I've written the entire Web Development part).
2001/11/12 - Kylix 2 PostgreSQL/RedHat drivers
The Kylix 2 PostgreSQL/RedHat Database driver will be available as a registration incentive.
You can download it from the registered users website once you have registered your Kylix 2 product.
The registered users site for Kylix 2 should be online by November 16, 2001.
2001/11/09 - Kylix 2 Released
Borland has officially released Kylix 2 in two editions: Kylix 2 Professional and Kylix 2 Enterprise.
The press release also mentions Kylix 2 Open Edition, but as far as I could see we can't download that one, yet (only Kylix 1 Open Edition).
2001/11/05 - XML Document Programming & Data Binding
Kylix 2 contains the new XML features that have first been added in Delphi 6 in the form of XML document programming, XML Data Binding Wizard, XML Mapper and BizSnap (SOAP/XML Web Services).
My most recent two Dr.Bob Examines columns describe these XML features in Delphi 6 (and now also in Kylix 2 Enterprise trial edition), starting off with XML Document Programming and now also XML Data Binding.
2001/10/31 - Delphi/Kylix SOAP & DataSnap papers
My latest WebBroker application is a dynamic (short) paper configurator and generator.
The first version shows 14 different ways for a SOAP Server Application (in Delphi 6 or Kylix 2 Enterprise - trial) to use a SOAP Data Module to export datasets to a SOAP Client Application (again in Delphi 6 or Kylix 2) using a SoapConnection component.
2001/10/30 - Kylix 2 WebSnap demo: Guestbook
Corbin Dunn has written a nice WebSnap demo for Kylix 2 Enterprise, implementing a guestbook.
This application is built for Kylix 2, but should also work under Delphi 6.
Included on the Kylix 2 Companion Tools CD.
2001/10/24 - Kylix 1 Patches ("public beta")
Two Kylix 1 Patches (also called "public betas") have been released.
The first one is a Kylix 1 Debugger Update that addresses fork and exec issues with 2.4 kernels and other things.
The second one is a Kylix 1 MySQL dbExpress driver update that supports MySQL 3.23
Also, the MySQL dbExpress driver source code has been checked into FreeCLX, as an example of how to write dbExpress drivers.
2001/10/23 - Kylix 2 Announced
As expected, Borland has just announced Borland Kylix 2, the first RAD development environment to deliver web services for Linux, and other new features such as BizSnap, WebSnap, DataSnap, VisiBroker 4.5, and more.
It looks like we'll have three editions: Kylix 2 Enterprise ($1,999), Kylix 2 Professional including NetCLX ($249) and a free Kylix 2 Open Edition again (available later in Q4 2001).
Special upgrade prices ($999 for Ent, $129 for Pro) are available for existing Kylix and Delphi 6 users, and a Kylix 2 Enterprise 60-trial edition will be available for download soon!
2001/10/22 - There will be a Kylix 1 patch!
In the Borland public newsgroup kylix.non-technical, John Kaster just announced that there will be a Kylix 1 patch ("In fact, there will be more than one."), which will be here pretty soon now ("In the next 10 business days, most likely").
John also mentioned that "We have probably another month before any customer has Kylix 2."
2001/10/12 - Linux Libraries (and Kylix)
Danny Thorpe (Delphi/Kylix R&D) has written a very instructive article on the Borland Community website about Linux libraries.
Basically, the Linux module loader doesn't provide a way for shared object libraries to indicate that they were unable to successfully initialize themselves.
Danny explains how this affects your Kylix applications.
2001/09/21 - Kylix 2 with SOAP
On Monday, at the opening keynote of the European Borland Conference in London, some interesting pre-announcements were made by Nigel Brown of Borland UK.
Nigel Brown showed a time-line and mentioned the upcoming releases of Kylix 2 (Q4 2001) and JBuilder 6 (Q4 2001) and the Borland Enterprise Studio for Java version 3 (with JBuilder 6) and a new Borland Enterprise Studio for Windows (containing both Delphi and C++Builder), both for Q1 2002.
Nigel Brown called Delphi 6 the first development environment from Borland with SOAP and web services support, but made it clear that this [SOAP and web services] would be available in the next versions of JBuilder (6) and Kylix (2).
Also, when asked, Jason Vokes (from Borland UK) confirmed that the next release of C++Builder is also in the works, with SOAP and web services support, of course.
There were no comments on C++Builder for Kylix (or Kylix for C++), however.
No press releases or further information had been made available, but the announcement itself came from a reliable source (Nigel Brown and Jason Vokes, Borland UK), and was made at a public conference.
2001/09/16-22: BorCon Europe 2001 (UK/NL)
This is the week of the European Borland Conference in London, UK (Sept 16-19) and Noordwijkerhout (Sept 10-22) in The Netherlands.
I'll be doing three sessions: VisiBroker 4 for Delphi 6 (Mon/Thu, 15:25-16:25), Cross-platform Development with Delphi 6 and Kylix (Mon/Thu, 16:35-17:35), and WAP with Delphi 6 and Kylix (Tue/Fri, 11:00-12:00).
2001/08/28 - Web Services for Linux
Borland will provide Web Services support for Linux with "a RAD solution for Web Services that will expand the Internet capabilities of Apache web servers and applications for Linux using the Borland Kylix RAD development platform."
In other words, we'll probably see an announcement for Kylix Enterprise or something along those lines, with XML/SOAP/WSDL support in Kylix just as we can find in Delphi 6 Enterprise today.
2001/08/10 - Kylix Open Edition
In this article on the Borland Community website, Danny Thorpe of Delphi/Kylix R&D responds to newsgroup questions about the Kylix Open Edition's mandatory splash screen.
2001 August - The Delphi Magazine #72
Apart from my regular Under Construction column in The Delphi Magazine #72 (which this time is about Web Services), I've also written an article which shows how to create images on the fly from databases in Kylix CGI applications using Kylix Desktop.
2001/07/31 - Migrating Delphi 5 Projects to Kylix
This white paper (written by Bob Swart) provides an overview and detailed description of migrating applications from Borland Delphi 5 for Windows to Kylix for Linux.
2001/07/26 - Dr.Bob on DevX #5
I have written my fifth article in the new monthly column (10-Minute Solution) as Delphi Pro on DevX.
This new 10-Minute Solution article shows how to Update and Maintain dbExpress's Unidirectional, Read-Only Datasets in Delphi and Kylix.
2001/07/25 - Borland Releases Kylix Open Edition
At the Borland Conference in Long Beach, Borland announced the immediate availability of Kylix Open Edition.
Of course, this news went all over the world, causing the Borland website to become very slowly, but it's back to (almost) normal again, so you can try to download Kylix Open Edition yourself.
2001/07/21-25: BorCon2001 Conference Report
The Borland Developers Conference 2001 will be held from July 21-25 in Long Beach (CA).
Like previous years, I'll present a "live" Conference Report on this website including details (and photos) of all major events, Borland and third-party announcements and session details.
2001/07/07 - Kylix New Language Features
In my Dr.Bob Examines column I examine some of the new Kylix and Delphi 6 language features, such as constant typed constants, enumerated enumerations, and more.
2001/07/04 - Dr.Bob Examines #18: DrBobCGI 3.1
In this Dr.Bob Examines article I'll present the cross-platform edition of DrBobCGI (to produce web server applications with Delphi and Kylix without the need for the WebBroker Technology).
For everyone who wants to create CGI applications using Kylix Desktop Developer (which doesn't include WebBroker).
As one of the examples, I'll show how to (set and) get cookie values using DrBobCGI.
2001 July - The Delphi Magazine #71
My latest "Under Construction" column in the July issue (#71) of The Delphi Magazine is about Kylix Desktop and CGI development.
In this article, I show how to create web server applications using just the Desktop version of Kylix (which has just been dramatically reduced in price!), including using dbExpress to develop database web applications.
2001 June - The Delphi Magazine #70
My latest "Under Construction" column in the June issue (#70) of The Delphi Magazine is about WebBroker for Linux.
In this article, I show how we can use Kylix to create web server applications for the Apache web server running on Linux, with the built-in Web Broker technology found in the Kylix Server Developer Edition.
NOTE: The complete source files from my previous Under Construction columns are now available.
2001/05/30 - Open Letter to Kylix Community
Simon Thornhill, Vice President and General Manager of the Borland RAD business unit, discusses the Kylix Price Promotion in an open letter to the community.
Even if you only consider purchasing Kylix (or already have), then you should read this!
2001/05/29 - Borland promotes Cross-Platform Development
In a press release, Borland promotes cross-platform Windows (with Delphi 6) and Linux (with Kylix) application development.
The main reason for the attention is the special promotional pricing for Kylix Desktop (which lasts until August 23rd), which coincides with the release of Delphi 6.
2001/05/26 - Dr.Bob Examines... #17
In my Dr.Bob Examines article, I'll show how to analyse dbExpress connections (and datasets) and produce HTML-based documentation reproducing tables, fields, types and indices.
Quite handy when reverse engineering legacy code (or just when you want to create some documentation for existing systems).
2001/05/23 - Kylix Desktop price down to $199
For a limited time only, the price of Kylix Desktop Developer has been cut down to $199 (compared to $999 previously) until 29th August 2001.
2001/05/21 - Dr.Bob on DevX #3
I have written my third article in the new monthly column (10-Minute Solution) as Delphi Pro on DevX.
This new 10-Minute Solution article shows how to migrate your BDE applications to Linux with dbExpress.
2001/05/18 - TurboPower SysTools for Kylix
TurboPower Software is now shipping SysTools for Kylix.
SysTools for Kylix has over 800 optimized, time-tested routines for efficiently handling common programming operations such as string manipulation, date/time math, high-precision calculations, and sorting.
In addition, the library has specialized routines for financial and statistical calculations, generating, viewing, and printing a variety of bar codes formats, and routines for cleanly accessing Linux operating system services.
2001/04/18 - Dr.Bob on DevX #2
I have written my second article in the new monthly column (10-Minute Solution) as Delphi Pro on DevX.
This second 10-Minute Solution article shows how to obtain all values from multivalue input fields in WebBroker applications.
2001/04/11 - Using the OpenTools API in Kylix
Ray Lischner has written an article for the Borland Community website about using the OpenTools API in Kylix to extend and customize the Kylix IDE.
2001/04/10 - CLX Database Property Editors
Available now from Kylix Developer Support: CLX design-time database property editors that are required only if you are building database components.
These files are new; they are NOT updates to existing files.
2001/04/07 - Kylix SameGame
Anders Ohlsson has ported 'ksame' (the KDE version of SameGame) to Kylix.
The game is available on CodeCentral, and entirely written in CLX, so it will work with Delphi 6 as well (when available).
2001/03/22 - More FreeCLX Info
A new article on the Borland Community website contains more information about FreeCLX, the Open Source project for Borland's CLX Component Library for X-platform development.
2001/03/21 - Chuck Jazdzewski on FreeCLX
Chuck Jazdzewski mentioned FreeCLX in the borland.public.kylix.non-technical newsgroup:
"We have posted FreeCLX as a sourceforge project, so you can get evaluation copies from there.
You can get access to it by going to,
This will allow you to download the GPL portions of CLX (which we call FreeCLX) as well post patches and bug reports."
2001/03/20 - Dr.Bob Examines... #14: BDE Data to Linux
In this Dr.Bob Examines article I'll show you how you can move your BDE data (like dBASE and Paradox tables) from Windows to Linux (i.e. from Delphi to Kylix) by transforming data into XML.
2001/03/11 - Kylix and Indy Demos
The .tgz file that contains the Indy Demos that ships with Kylix has some distribution problems.
Some files were omitted in Borland's .tgz and other files had their case changed which has caused nearly all the Indy demos not to compile.
A corrected .tgz of the Indy Demos is now available for download from Nevrona's website.
2001/03/10 - Ready for Kylix?
Assuming you are ready for Kylix, make sure your Linux setup is also ready for Kylix.
Borland has prepared a document and number of patches that you can now download from Borland developer support, and can apply to your Linux installation (Mandrake 7, Red Hat 6 & 7, and SuSE 7).
This will make sure your system is ready for Kylix...
2001/03/07 - Borland Kylix Available
According to the Borland press release: Kylix should be available as of today, March 7th, 2001.
However, in the "pricing and availability" section of the press release it states that "Kylix Server Developer and Kylix Desktop Developer will be generally available before the end of the first quarter 2001." and "Kylix Open Edition will be available by mid-2001.", so we probably still need to wait a little while before we receive our copy, but stay tuned...
2001/02/28 - TurboPower products for Kylix
TurboPower has just announced four Linux editions of their tools, namely:
2001/02/12 - Kylix Launch in The Netherlands
On Wednesday, Feb 14th (the sixth anniversary of Delphi), Kylix will be launched in The Netherlands, in De Flint, Amersfoort.
Later this month, Bob Swart and Micha Somers will start two special Dutch Kylix training days which will be held in the Mercure Hotel Postiljon in Rosmalen, The Netherlands, on Feb 23rd and March 16th 2001.
2001/02/09 - Kylix Launch Chat Transcript
The Kylix live chat transcript that happened during the Kylix launch at LinuxWorld in New York is now posted on the Borland Community website.
Borland will start hosting community live chats with their R&D teams again soon, and this time there will be no plug-ins to download (the new chat server was built with Kylix).
2001/02/07 - dbExpress Gateway for ODBC
The Easysoft dbExpress Gateway for ODBC allows Kylix applications on Linux and unix platforms to access data in any local or remote ODBC compliant database.
It's compatible with unixODBC, the Open Source ODBC Driver Manager for Linux.
When used in combination with the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge, the gateway will provide access to MS SQL Server, MS Access or any other database which has a Windows ODBC driver.
2001/02/04 - Kylix in The Delphi Magazine
The Delphi Magazine (published by iTec) will feature an introduction to Kylix (based on the current pre-release version) written by Technical Editor Dave Jewell.
Dave will be following this up with an in-depth hands-on article in the April issue (assuming the shrink-wrap version is available at the expected time!) and then with more excellent technical articles on development with Kylix in the coming months: The Delphi Magazine is your one-stop-shop for the very best in both Delphi and Kylix development!
2001/02/02 - Kylix wins LinuxWorld Award
Kylix has won the Show Favorite Award for Best Developer Tools category of the LinuxWorld Awards.
Read JD Hildebrand's report of LinuxWorld Conference and Expo for more news and information resources.
2001/01/31 - Kylix pre-order prices
Official pricing information for Kylix can be found on the Borland eStore.
The Open Edition of Kylix will be available later, but Kylix Server Developer and Kylix Desktop Developer are sheduled to begin shipping on Feb 22nd.
The official prices are as follows:
2001/01/31 - Three Editions of Kylix
Apart from Kylix Server Developer and Kylix Desktop Developer (for which we saw prices earlier), it seems there will be a third edition of Kylix, called Kylix Open Edition.
Kylix Open Edition will be available for download (or a $99 purchase) and can be used to develop open source and free software (GPL).
Kylix Server Developer and Kylix Desktop Developer will be available in the first quarter of 2001, but Kylix Open Edition is expected later, by mid-2001.
2001/01/31 - Kylix Announced
The official announcement has just been made, and the Borland Kylix website is in place!
Kylix contains database support (for DB2 and Oracle8i) and web server support (for Apache).
Kylix requires Red Hat 6.2 or higher, Mandrake 7.2 or higher, or SuSE 7.0 or higher.
2001/01/27 - Kylix Sales Expectations
In the press release on Yahoo regarding the "Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2000 Earnings Results", Borland says to believe that
"between one million and two million users of its highly successful Delphi and C++Builder(TM) development environments will make the move to this new tool for Linux application development."
2001/01/26 - Kylix Launch on Jan 31st
During the webcast of Borland's Q4/FY2000 Earnings Conference Call, we could hear Dale Fuller say:
"..and will be launching Kylix, the first industrial strength, RAD solution for Linux, on January 31st."
2001/01/25 - Kylix BDE Replacement
dataWeb is currently developing a BDE replacement database engine for Kylix/Delphi cross-platform development, called TurboDB.
dataWeb has already set up a Kylix website in German.
2001/01/23 - Kylix Seminars in Europe
A new website URL ( features a quizz (you'll know the answer!) and a way to enroll for a free Kylix seminar all over Europe!
Topics include:
2001/01/18 - Kylix launched at Linux Expo, Jan 31st
The following link mentions the Launch (of Kylix) on Jan 31st at the Linux Expo in New York!
Of course, anything can still change, but I'd keep my eyes and ears open on that day...
2000/12/22 - Kylix and dbExpress in Action!
The German magazine Der Entwickler has an article (on-line) that shows Kylix and dbExpress in action, including some new screenshots (showing the dbExpress Connection Editor, and Kylix IDE).
The article mentions the new components TSQLConnection, TSQLQuery, TSQLTable, TSQLStoredProc, TSQLDataSet, TSQLClientDataSet and TSQLMonitor.
2000/12/17 - Kylix will be called... Kylix!
According to the announcements made at Comdex and BorCon Australia (already a few weeks ago), the official product name for Kylix will be..... Kylix.
2000/12/08 - Kylix in The Netherlands
A new Kylix session in The Netherlands (by Micha Somers and Bob Swart) was held today at the SDGN Developers Conference in De Reehorts in Ede (NL).
The slides and paper of the presentation and demonstration of Kylix are now available.
2000/11/28 - Preview, but no Preview Release
According to The Register, Borland is preparing Kylix (aka Delphi for Linux) for a December preview.
However, contrary to what The Register said, Michael Swindell explained to me that a public preview release of Kylix is not planned in December, although public previews themselves (demonstrations and presentations) of Kylix will continue to be given at selected conferences and seminars.
2000/11/25 - Kylix in The Netherlands
Today, people in The Netherlands can once again get a sneak preview of Kylix (demonstrated by Micha Somers) at the HCC Dagen in Utrecht.
2000/11/17 - Kylix, CLX and Open Source
This week started with some rumors about the source code of Kylix going open source.
But in the end the stories appear to be nothing more than rumors.
I've just written a short article about it for the Borland Community.
2000/09/28 - When It's Ready
The big question everybody wants to ask about Kylix is... When Will It Ship?
And the answer (to live, the universe and everything) is... When It's Ready!
At The Inprise UK Conference Dale Fuller, CEO of Inprise, made it clear that When It's Ready is now more important than the initial goal of second part of 2000.
Of course, they might still aim at launching Kylix before the end of this year, but personally, I'm glad they will make sure - one way or another - that Kylix will ship when it's ready!
2000/09/26 - DrBob42 Slashdotted again!
I noticed that the Kylix Preview slides and paper were very well visited while I was at the Inprise/Borland UK Conference in London, and now I know why: DrBob42 was Slashdotted again (on Monday Sept 25th).
The first time happened when I showed the first ever screenshots of Kylix, as you may remember...
2000/09/23 - Pictures of Kylix at Linux Developers Seminar
Here are some nice pictures taken at the recent Linux Developers Seminar where Micha Somers and Bob Swart showed Kylix.
2000/09/19 - Kylix Seminar on Linux Today
Even Linux Today now reports on the free half-day seminar that starts tomorrow in Brussels and on thursday in The Hague, and will feature a demonstration of the latest version of the Kylix IDE.
2000/09/17 - Kylix in BeNeLux
Next week, a free Linux Developers Seminar will be held in Brussels (Sept 20) and The Hague (Sept 21).
Together with Partners Oosterkamp and TAS Advanced Technologies, Inprise will present Linux development tools such as JBuilder 4, VisiBroker/IAS and of course a preview of the Kylix IDE (by Micha Somers and Bob Swart from the TAS-AT Delphi OplossingsCentrum).
2000/08/12 - Real Programmers Use Pascal
Ray Lischner, author of Delphi in a Nutshell, has written a new article on Kylix on the O'Reilly website.
In this article, Ray gives a long overview and details of Kylix, CLX and RAD in general.
2000/08/10 - BorCon Kylix Chat
The transcript of the Klix Chat at BorCon is now available on the Borland Community website.
2000/07/31 - InterBase remains with Borland/Inprise
According to this latest news, InterBase will not be sold, but will remain with Borland/Inprise.
The company is planning to fully support InterBase customers by retaining a core team to successfully transition the open source version of InterBase.
2000/07/25 - InterBase Open Source
Inprise/Borland announced the availability of the source code for InterBase 6.0 the cross-platform SQL92 RDBMS (for Windows, Linux and Solaris).
InterBase 6.0 has been released under a variant on the Mozilla Public License (MPL) V1.1.
Developers using InterBase under this license can modify the code or develop applications without being required to open source them.
The open source license applies to all platforms.
2000/07/21 - Can Inprise/Borland Rise Again?
Now this is a serious nagative article from TechWeb about the future of Inprise/Borland.
They even dare to claim that JBuilder is the only significant tool of the company (do they really dislike Delphi that much?)
2000/07/19 - dbExpress Internals
At the Borland Conference in San Diego, we were introduced to dbExpress, the new cross-platform data access layer that will be available in Kylix and future versions of Delphi and C++Builder on Windows.
Here you can find out what it is, and you can even provide Borland suggestions that could make it into its first release.
See also Linux Today...
2000/07/18 - Borland and Kylix in Lego
At the BorCon 2000 closing session, Anders Ohlsson showed pictures from the Borland and Kylix segment that helped to set a Lego World Record.
2000/07/17 - Apache Support in Kylix
At the Borland Conference in San Diego, Inprise/Borland announced upcoming Apache support for both Kylix (Delphi for Linux) and the next release of Delphi for Windows (Delphi 6).
Support for Apache will be included in NetCLX, the new cross-platform web development architecture (part of CLX).
2000/07/15 - Cross-Platform Controls in Kylix
This first time this article was published on-line, it was taken down again, but now it's back: Robert Kozak's article on Kylix that includes the first source code example for a cross-platform calculator.
2000/07/13 - Kylix on Slashdot
Interbase and Kylix details from the Inprise/Borland Conference in San Diego were posted on Slashdot (most people there seemed to be shocked by the fact that the whole story appeared on the front page).
2000/07/08-12: BorCon2000 Conference Report
The Borland Developers Conference 2000 was held from July 8-12 in San Diego (CA).
Like previous years, we've presented a "live" Conference Report on this website including details (and photos) of all major events, Inprise/Borland and third-party announcements and session details.
2000/07/06 - Latest Kylix Screenshots
The Borland Community website is now showing "Just a quick note with the latest Kylix screen shots".
They'll be showing more at the conference, so stay tuned...
2000/06/30 - Kylix: Two Down One To Go?
J.D. Hildebrand has published a column on Kylix on the Borland Community website; two down one to go.
2000/06/27 - BORLAND CLX
Today at PCExpo, Inprise/Borland introduced BORLAND CLX the Next-Generation Cross-Platform Library and Component Framework (to be used with Delphi and C++Builder, producing native Windows and Linux applications).
2000/06/26 - TechWeb on Inprise
TechWeb expects an announcement of Inprise that will make it easier for customers to build applications for Windows and Linux.
Hmm, I wonder what that would be...
2000/06/24 - Kylix IDE with Component Palette
New screenshots of the Kylix IDE (on KDE) have appeared.
Although they are low-res, you can clearly see the "Standard" tab of the component palette with 16 component icons.
2000/06/21 - Kylix IDE
At DCon2000 (last Monday and Tuesday in Reading, UK), Charlie Calvert demonstrated the Kylix IDE.
Well, that is to say, Charlie loaded the IDE, showed some of the options and dialogs, and then closed it down again.
Step by step, Kylix is getting more and more impressive.
I wonder when Inprise/Borland will be able to finally ship it.
Maybe BorCon'2000 in San Diego (in a few weeks) will give us some more information on that...
2000/06/16 - Installing VisiBroker on Linux
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (aka Mr.Haki) has written a detailed paper about installing VisiBroker on Linux (which he used to connect a JBuilder 3.5 CORBA Client on Linux to a Delphi 5 CORBA Server on WinNT).
2000/06/09 - What would you name "Kylix"?
In the official Kylix newsgroup borland.public.kylix.non-technical, John Kaster asked an interesting question.
Or rather, John, Charlie and DavidI are often asked this question when they are "on the road".
What will the final product name for the "Kylix project" be?
While John thinks it would be silly to call it anything other than Delphi (although I would personally called it "Delphi for Linux" - meaning we'd also have a "Delphi for Windows"), he's curious to learn what you think about it...
2000/06/08 - Mirror with Kylix Screenshots
Wow! Links to Dr.Bob's Kylix Kicks (and the Kylix screenshots) appeared from just about every Linux Page, the Borland Community and Slashdot.
2000/06/06 - First Ever Public Kylix Screenshots
I'm pleased to report that Kylix is moving at full steam and major milestones are being hit every week now.
While beta testers put the new compiler and component library through it its paces the IDE team is readying everyone's favorite developer UI.
The following is the first public glimpse of the Kylix IDE alpha captured June 5th for your oogling pleasure.
A tip of the hat is definitely in order to Allen and the entire IDE team.
Our warmest regards,
Go Kylix!
Michael Swindell
Director of Product Management - Kylix
2000/05/29 - Delphi in a Nutshell
Delphi in a Nutshell by Ray Lischner has been published by O'Reilly and is available from and (with nice discounts).
The book mainly covers (non-visual) technical topics such as classes and objects, interfaces, memory management, VMTs, RTTI, threads and contains a few words about Kylix as well.
A sample chapter (about the Delphi Object Model) is available, and so is a detailed review by Arnim Mulder!
2000/05/18 - Kylix mailinglist
Apart from this website Kylix Kicks and an official newsgroup, we now also have a Kylix mailinglist.
2000/05/17 - Inprise/Borland - Corel merger terminated
Inprise/Borland and Corel have terminated the proposed merger agreement!
Read all about it from the Inprise/Borland and Corel websites.
Further updates and comments can be read on my Borland.comments.
2000/05/16 - Kylix Kicks...
This page always contains the latest news on Kylix the Linux edition of Delphi and C++Builder.
At the Conference to the Max (May 1-2) Charlie Calvert gave some public demonstrations of Kylix, and a few colleagues of mine (Rick Beerendonk and Arnim Mulder) attended this public session (like a few hundred others) and have prepared a report with some of the details Charlie showed.
2000/04/30 - Kylix Newsgroup Comments
First of all, there are Kylix newsgroups now, such as borland.public.kylix.non-technical.
Some comments regarding Trolltech and Borland have been posted here, and made available as special article on the Borland Community.
2000/04/28 - Trolltech's Qt (GUI) for Kylix
Inprise/Borland announced a licensing agreement covering Trolltech's Qt graphical user interface (GUI) application framework.
As a result of the agreement, Inprise/Borland can leverage Qt in Kylix, the forthcoming Delphi and C/C++ rapid application development (RAD) environment for Linux.
2000/03/27 - Kylix Kick Start
JD Hildebrand attended the Kylix Kick Start seminar; the official launch event for the Kylix community.
Read his report and learn more about the Kylix Community.
2000/03/24 - Kylix Kick Start
This week, Borland hosted more than 200 third-party authors, consultants, trainers and tool and component vendors for the first in a series of worldwide events designed to prepare third party products and services for Kylix.
Kylix will be a high performance Linux rapid application development environment that will support Delphi, C and C++.
I was unable to attend the Kylix Kick Start myself, but will attend the one in Amsterdam early May 2000.
Until that day, we're playing (and waiting) with three different Linux machines (Red Hat, SuSE and Corel)...
2000/03/16 - Kylix: The Compiler and RTL
Danny Thorpe provides some technical details regarding the compiler and RTL of Kylix (the Delphi and C++Builder environment for Linux).
2000/03/12 - Linux Ready for Delphi?
Is Linux Ready for Delphi?
That's the question raised - and answered - by Danny Thorpe, Senior Engineer from the Delphi R&D Team (who volunteered to work on Kylix for his own reasons as well).
2000/03/09 - Kylix Study Guide
Kylix is the codename for Delphi/C++Builder on Linux.
On March 20th, Borland is hosting a Kylix Kickstart meeting for registered Tools and Component Builders.
To prepare yourself for Linux Programming, Borland has assembled a helpful Kylix Study Guide.
2000/03/03 - How Do You Feel About It?
Most people were taken by surprise with the news about the upcoming Corel - Inprise/Borland merger, announced three weeks ago.
That's why I started a little on-line poll: How are you feeling about this deal?
Over 900 people have shared their thoughts by participating in Dr.Bob's first on-line poll.
Here are the final results:
The first question - about the personal feelings regarding the upcoming merger agreement between Corel-Inprise/Borland - is answered as follows (918 votes):
Don't Care: 6.6%
Very Positive: 9.7%
Positive: 31.8%
Not So Positive: 34.5%
Negative: 17.3%
Optimists would say that only 17.3% are against the Corel-Inprise/Borland merger, while pessimists would say that only 41.5% are (very) positive about it.
All in all, although there are more plain "negative" than "very positive" votes, I feel that most people are at least leaning towards a positive attitude.
Of course, time will tell, but I too feel more positive ("positive") now than I felt when I started this poll (when I was "not so positive", mainly because of a number of unknown factors which are now becoming more and more clear).
For example: most comments given were regarding the (continuing) use of the Borland brand name.
In that regard, it might be helpful to give you the comment of DavidI - who also voted in my poll - on this issue:
"The Borland brand name will continue (Inprise will go away - YAY :).
We'll still be here working on developer tools.
We're building Delphi 6 and Kylix at the same time." - David I - VP Developer Relations, Borland
Well, I don't believe this leaves room for any doubt.
Of course, we must realise that most people who voted in this on-line poll are (regular) visitors of my website, which is mainly about Delphi for Windows, and (slightly) less about C++Builder and JBuilder - and not (yet) about Linux or Kylix for that matter.
We'll see if these figures changes over time.
For now, the above statement from DavidI should indicate that Borland is still working hard on both Kylix and Delphi 6...
2000/02/25 - MIDAS 3 License Pricing
The best news in months: for MIDAS 3, Borland just slashed the suggested list price from US$ 5000 to US$ 299.95 for unlimited usage servers.
This is not a typo: less than 300 US-dollars for an unlimited client license per machine (with up to four CPUs), running any number of MIDAS application servers!
Delphi 5 Enterprise and C++Builder 5 Enterprise contain a MIDAS 3 developer license, and MIDAS 3 deployment licenses are now available for an extremely competive market price.
Thank you Borland!
2000/02/07 - Corel - Inprise/Borland Merger
Corel and Inprise/Borland today announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement.
Upon completion of the merger, the combined organization, called Corel, will be a Linux powerhouse, offering a single source for end-to-end solutions featuring a range of productivity applications, development tools, and professional services for all major platforms.
2000/02/04 - Inprise/Borland for Linux
Inprise/Borland is indeed giving a lot of attention and focus towards Linux (and Linux development tools).
At LinuxWorld they made several announcements as a part of their ongoing commitment to the Linux community.
We already knew about the Linux Community on the Inprise/Borland Web site, and now this has been extended with a special Linux track at the Inprise/Borland annual developers' conference.
And last but not least we've seen announcements of Linux editions of the Inprise Application Server 4.0 and VisiBroker 4.0.
1999/12/22 - Linux Community
To add support to the growing Linux Community, a fourth community has been opened on - yes, you guessed it: on Linux.
1999/11/23 - COMDEX, LinuxExpo and Kylix
If you missed COMDEX, LinuxExpo and or just want to read the latest news on Kylix (the Delphi/C++ RAD environment for Linux that Inprise is working on), then check out a report written by John Kaster and Michael Swindell.
1999/09/29 - C/C++ and Delphi for Linux
Inprise announces commitment to support C, C++ and Delphi development on Linux.
The Borland VCL for Linux will be designed to radically speed native Linux application development and simplify the porting of Delphi and C++Builder applications between Windows and Linux.
1999/09/28 - Inprise and Corel form Strategic Alliance
Inprise and Corel form Strategic Alliance to Accelerate Linux OS and Application Adoption.
The alliance extends the existing cooperation between Inprise and Corel to provide enterprise-class Linux solutions to development teams who are building mission-critical applications.
1999/08/20 - Linux Developer Survey Results Available
Inprise has made available the Linux Developer Survey results.
One of the conclusions that can be drawn (according to Inprise) is that Mainstream Application Development is next for Linux.
It's good to see that so many people (24,194) have completed the Linux Developer Survey.
The results are interesting enough to read for yourself...
1999/08/12 - Inprise announced commitment to Linux
At Linux World Conference & Expo, Inprise announced its commitment to support the Linux platform.
The company announced the immediate availability of VisiBroker for Linux, a new version of its award-winning object request broker, and is demonstrating JBuilder for Linux, its upcoming Java development tool, on the showroom floor at Linux World.
It's great to see the commitment of Inprise to Linux pay off.
VisiBroker for Linux means yet another way for Delphi and C++Builder to "connect" to Linux!
Also, the new edition of JBuilder (codename: PrimeTime - 100% pure java) is almost ready, and it's only a matter of time before PrimeTime ships for Linux, Solaris (and then NT again I guess).