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Dr.Bob's Delphi Programming Clinic - for Win32, Win64, Mac OS X, iOS and .NET |
Last updated: 2019/05/30
Welcome to Dr.Bob's Delphi Programming Clinic, an award-winning website hosted by Bob Swart Training & Consultancy, containing the latest news, articles, book reviews, tools, third-party tool reviews, and information on conferences & training using Delphi for Win32, Win64, Mac OS X, iOS and Android apps, on my favorite topics like IntraWeb, SQL, XML, SOAP, JSON/REST, Web Services and DataSnap. See also my weblog Dr.Bob's Delphi Notes at http://www.eBob42.nl/blog |
2019/05/30 - SDN Event on December 13th
The upcoming SDN Event of December 13, 2019 in Driebergen-Zeist will feature Gerbert Koppelman, Micha Somers, Steve Beydekerken, and yours truly Bob Swart with 5 nice Delphi sessions.
See https://www.sdn.nl/EVENTS/13-december-2019 for more details.
2018/11/12 - RAD Studio 10.3 Released
10.3 Rio is now available.
It’s a free upgrade for all active Update Subscription customers, read What's New for more details.
You can download the ISO Installer or the Getit-based Web Install.
2017 Sept-Nov: Delphi Developer Days 2017 with Cary Jensen and Bob Swart
I'm back doing Delphi Developer Days this year, with a Special Edition Database Workshop.
Cary Jensen has just announced the Delphi Developer Days 2017 Special Edition Database Workshop tour in the USA (Chicago, Sept 25-26), Europe (Frankfurt, Germany, Nov 28-29) and Scandinavia (Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov 24-25).
The workshop starts with a detailed look at connecting to data and configuring FireDAC, and continues with a look at some of FireDAC’s more advanced features, including Array DML, the SQL command preprocessor, and cached updates.
The workshop continues with an in-depth discussion of multi-tier development. Topics include creating DataSnap servers and using Embarcadero’s RAD Server. Here you will learn how to access your data from mobile applications, how to support both Delphi and non-Delphi clients using REST (REpresentational State Transfer), and how to create RAD Server microservices with Delphi.
2017/09/18 - RAD Studio Roadmap Update
Check out the The RAD Studio Roadmap Update, updated with the 10.2.1 actual release and the specific 10.2.2 plans, along with the focus areas for 10.3 next year.
2017/08/08 - RAD Studio 10.2.1 Released
10.2 Tokyo Release 1 is now available.
It’s an update of Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo and RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo for active Update Subscription customers. It includes 100s of platform focused enhancements, bug fixes and features.
2017/05/11 - RAD Studio Roadmap May 2017
Check out the The RAD Studio Roadmap for May 2017 to learn where RAD Studio is now, and where it is going. Read the commentary from Product Management.
2017/02/06 - Delphi and Natively Compiled Code
Marco Cantù has written a blog post on Delphi and Natively Compiled Code which will be interesting to read for Delphi and other developers.
2017/01/23 - Jim McKeeth Rebooting the Podcast with Nick Hodges
Jim McKeeth is rebooting the Podcast with Nick Hodges.
We can expect weekly half hour episodes with both Nick and I discussing the news and technology of our community.
2016/07/13 - MVP Spotlight: Dr. Bob Swart
The Podcast at Delphi.org is about the Delphi programming language, tools, news and community.
This time, the spotlight was on me
2012/11/07 - Delphi Product Manager Marco Cantù
Marco Cantù is the new Delphi Product Manager at Embarcadero.
Marco will be based in Europe (working from his home in Italy, when not on the road), where there are some of the R&D teams and a large number of Delphi customers.
2012/09/26 - Free Delphi XE3 Starter Essentials PDF
My Delphi XE3 Starter Essentials ebook (PDF) has just been made available for download for all registered Delphi Starter developers.
This is the first of my XE3 ebooks, shortly followed by titles like Delphi Development Essentials, Delphi DataSnap Development, Delphi XML, SOAP & Web Services Development.
I'm also working on new editions for the IntraWeb and Oxygene (Prism) manuals, as well as a new title on RAD Studio Mobile (which will be a free update for people who purchased the Delphi XE2 iOS Development manual).
2011/09/17 - May the Road(map) rise with you
JT from Embarcadero has blogged about a number of technologies and topics that the RAD Studio R&D Team are working on now that XE2 has been released:
The Future of the Delphi Compiler
In 2009, Nick Hodges has published an article on Developer Network about the future of the Delphi Compiler.
In this article, Nick talks about the Compiler Front End (the part that defines what the language is), with the idea to create a new Front End to offer a choice between a new, non-legacy syntax and the older way of coding (read the article to example of legacy syntax).
New code would have to be put in a new type of code module (so it looks like there would be no mixing of code, although you may be able to use both kinds of modules in your projects).
Nick also talks about the Compiler Back Ends (one for Delphi, one for C++) which currently produce 32-bit binaries for Windows.
A new Back End would be able to produce 64-bit for Windows, and should be shared by both Delphi and C++, and "a bit more flexible with respect to what architecture it targets" (or so Nick writes).
Doing a new Compiler Front End and unified Back End (for both Delphi and C++Builder) will take time.
The team plans to release a preview of the 64-bit compiler (just the compiler, not the IDE) in mid-2009, and the final 64-bit version of Delphi should be ready min-2010.
Even Verity Stob responds to this in his "Born Again Delphi" article, after which Nick responded in his blog.
Delphi Training in The Netherlands
As of April 2007, the Delphi Training Clinics and Workshop will be hosted and performed by me in our new residence in the Statenlaan in Helmond
(the 42 square meter training area is situated right above the gate in the picture on the right).
Each Delphi training includes a courseware manual covering the specified topics, plus exercises and detailed answers.
Feel free to contact me by e-mail if you are interested in consultancy, a workshop at my place in Helmond, training at your location, or just support with your projects.
Apart from Delphi Clinics and Workshops, this area can also be used for coaching and support, where developers can use their own machines to work on their projects, while enjoying coaching and support from me.
Forever Loyal to Delphi
There's been a lot of talk recently (by Bob Coates, Nick Hodges, and Lino Tadros among others) about Borland and Delphi, and whether or not it would be better for Delphi to be spun-off as a separate company from Borland.
I do not pretend to know what's best for Delphi (in that regard), since I don't have a complete picture of everything involved in Borland and Delphi.
But I can tell you this: no matter if or what will happen, I will remain loyal to Delphi.
I love Borland as a company and especially the people that work there, but mainly for what Borland has produced over the years (which started for me with Turbo Pascal version 2).
I've dedicated my life to Borland Pascal and Delphi, including Delphi derived products like Delphi's sister C++Builder, little brother Kylix and sybling C#Builder.
I cannot imagine my life without Delphi (and if you don't believe me, ask my son Erik Mark Pascal, or my daughter Natasha Louise Delphine).
So whether it remains Borland, or will be a Delphi Inc., I'm not sure I care that much.
I care about Delphi, and I will continue to support Delphi and Delphi developers forever (which is a mighty long time, I know).
Groetjes, Bob Swart
This webpage © 1993-2017 by Bob Swart (aka Dr.Bob - www.drbob42.com). All Rights Reserved.