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Delphi for .NET, Assemblies and DLLs
In this article, I want to examine the Delphi for .NET preview command-line compiler a bit further, looking a little bit at assemblies - the next generation of DLLs - and if and how we can take existing code with us to the .NET world.
DLLs and assemblies
A dynamic link library can export routines, with arguments and optionally a result type.
DLLs introduced the capability of writing parts of a system in different programming languages, and reusing code.
Unfortunately, a DLL itself does not contain detailed information about the routines, their arguments and result types, so we had to use import libraries, header files or other ways to document the usage of the DLL.
And when a DLL was accidentally replaced by another (newer or - worse - older) version, then all hell broke lose.
Usually literally, because the user of the DLL no longer found the routines that were supposed to be there.
The Component Object Model (COM) added new capabilities to this model, but was never able to solve it completely, perhaps because under the cover it was still build on the DLL mechanism.
A .NET assembly is the next logical step in the evolution of sharable and reusable building blocks.
A .NET assembly does no longer contain mere routines, but it contains classes, with rich information - even more than the RTTI we've been used to in Delphi.
In fact, .NET assemblies contain so much meta data, that it completely describes itself in detail, so we never have to use a header file, import unit or any other means to use a .NET assembly (bye bye HeadConv).
Apart from the fact that .NET assemblies contain meta data, we can also have more than one version of an assembly installed on our machine (usually in the Global Assembly Cache), and client applications can specify which one to use! No more DLL Hell where your application wouldn't run because a required MIDAS.DLL of Delphi 6.02 in the Windows\System32 directory was accidentally overwritten by the MIDAS.DLL of Delphi 6.01.
I'm sure that .NET assemblies are the way of the future.
Having said that, I have years of work in the form of DLLs, and I do not want to move over to the new (.NET) world by abandoning everything from the old (Win32) world.
Fortunately, we don't have to.
It's not safe, and it's not managed code, but we can use unsafe, unmanaged Win32 DLLs in .NET applications, as I will show in this article.
And while we're at it, I will also show an example of a .NET assembly, so enough introduction, let's get coding (and you need both a version of Delphi for Win32 and the Delphi for .NET Preview command-line compiler to play along).
Let's start with a simple DLL called MyDLL, containing a single function TheAnswer, which the obvious return value of 42.
Like the story behind the answer itself, it's not the question that counts, but the process.
library MyDLL; function TheAnswer: Integer; stdcall; export; begin Result := 42 end; exports TheAnswer; begin end.
Using this DLL can be done by importing the required routines from the DLL, which can be done with the "external" statement (resulting in an implicit link of the DLL, loading the DLL as soon as the executable starts), or with an explicit link, using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.
The code here uses the external statement:
program UseDLL;
function TheAnswer: Integer; external 'MyDLL.dll';
writeln('The Answer is: ', TheAnswer)
Apart from loading DLLs statically (by using an external reference - also called implicit linking), we can also dynamically load DLLs (using explicit linking).
An assembly in .NET with a similar functionality can be seen in the following listing.
Note that .NET assemblies contain classes, and not just methods.
The class is called LifeTheUniverseAndEverything (for those of you who may still not know where TheAnswer of 42 come from).
Note that in the .NET world it's no longer common to start types with the "T" prefix, as Delphi developers have done for years.
We should slowly try to learn to specify class types without the T prefix.
Especially since our .NET assemblies will also be usable by other .NET development environments and languages like C#, and if you want to be a good .NET citizen, you have to play by the rules! So it's class LifeTheUniverseAndEverything with a required constructor Create and method called TheAnswer.
library MyASM; type LifeTheUniverseAndEverything = class constructor Create; function TheAnswer: Integer; end; constructor LifeTheUniverseAndEverything.Create; begin end; function LifeTheUniverseAndEverything.TheAnswer: Integer; begin Result := 42 end; end.We can compile MyASM.dpr (containing this source code), using dccil, resulting in MyASM.dll - just like a "normal" DLL, with the exception that a normal DLL cannot export classes, but only routines.
MyASM.dpr(10) Error: 'Self' is uninitialized. An inherited constructor must be calledThis can be solved by calling "inherited" in the constructor (with or without the Create following it).
Using the MyASM .NET assembly in a Delphi for .NET application is very simple.
But look closely at the following source code, since there are more things going on behind the scenes than it may seem.
program UseASM;
X: LifeTheUniverseAndEverything;
X := LifeTheUniverseAndEverything.Create;
writeln('The Answer is: ', X.TheAnswer)
Notice the MyASM "unit" in the uses clause? This seems to indicate that we want to use the unit MyASM, while there is no unit MyASM but only an (external) assembly called MyASM.
The strong point about .NET assemblies is that they contain so much meta data, that they can be used just as if they were a unit in Delphi (or any other language on .NET, such as C#).
The only "trick" that we have to perform next is to tell the dccil compiler to actually find and use that particular assembly - so dccil doesn't have to start looking for the MyASM unit, but for the MyASM assembly instead.
This is done using the -LU flag of the compiler, so the UseASM.dpr project has to be compiled as follows:
dccil -LUMyASM UseASM.dprUsing the original version of the Delphi for .NET preview command-line compiler, this will give you an error message: "Fatal: Required package 'MyASM' not found", since apparently the earlier version of dccil cannot locate the MyASM.dll. This problem is actually solved in trhe current Update 3. If you don't use Update 3, then a simple solution consists of - temporarily - copying the MyASM.dll file to the C:\WinNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705 directory (or whichever directory also holds your mscorlib.dll). After that, the compile will succeed, and you can run the resulting UseASM executable to get the same result as before. But this time as safe, managed, .NET code using a .NET assembly, and all written in Delphi for .NET.
Now, let's assume for a moment that we want to use some existing - legacy - code, only available as DLL (and we don't have the time to migrate all DLLs to .NET just yet, so we want to use them as-is today).
In that case, you are probably pleased to learn that we can still import functions from DLLs like we did in the "old" days.
The next code shows how to import a function from an external DLL called MyDLL.dll, and compiles and works without problems.
program UseDLLdotNet;
function TheAnswer: Integer; stdcall; external 'MyDLL.dll';
writeln('The Answer is: ', TheAnswer)
Of course, you have to realise that the MyDLL.dll contains unsafe and unmanaged Win32 code, which could break the system.
program UseDLLdotNet;
function TheAnswer: Integer; external;
writeln('The Answer is: ', TheAnswer)
This is a convenient way to reuse existing code in your .NET applications.
In fact, the Delphi for .NET Preview command-line compiler already uses this in the Borland.Win32.Windows.pas unit, which imports the existing Win32 API and makes it available in your .NET applications.
As unsafe, unmanaged imports and calls, but available nevertheless.
Which also means that it doesn't hurt to have some good Win32 API reference books at hand, such as the Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API and Win32 Shell API.
In this article, I did not really focus in-depth on the difference between assemblies and DLLs, but I did show how we can create both, and how we can use both in .NET applications (although using unsafe, unmanaged code in Win32 DLLs is of course only meant as a temporary solution, until you've rewritten your unsafe, unmanaged DLLs as safe, managed assemblies, replacing any non-supported language features or code constructs.
However, it also means that choice between Win32 or .NET isn't really a one-or-the-other choice, it's more a migration from Win32 to .NET which doesn't have to be done overnight.
If you haven't started any .NET specific work, then you should start now, and still be able to use most of your existing Win32 code as unsafe, unmanaged DLLs or COM objects.