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Web Chat Service - powered by Delphi Prism

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 3/1/2010 5:02:24 PM (GMT+1)

Using Delphi 2010, we can build ASP.NET web services and projects, as I often demonstrate in my ASP.NET workshops and training events (in The Netherlands, UK and Sweden for example).
In my latest Dr.Bob Examines article, I'll demonstrate how we can use Delphi Prism and ASP.NET to write a web chat service, consuming it in an ASP.NET web form as well.

See for the first version of the public chatroom. Note that I will be adding security in the form of SOAP Headers and HTTPS/SSL support shortly.


1 Comment

Bob Swart 10/03/01 17:10:24See for the full source code for first edition of the Delphi Prism 2010 ASP.NET project.

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