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Delphi XE6 XML, SOAP & Web Services Development

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 8/8/2014 10:40:21 AM (GMT+1)

Today, I'm pleased to announced the immediate availability of my Delphi XE6 XML, SOAP & Web Services Development courseware manual in PDF format. For 99 Euro (plus VAT where applicable) you get 164 pages about XML, SOAP, Web Services including two case studies. See the detailed table of contents for more information.

or a limited time, you will get the Delphi XE6 Development Essentials as extra free bonus PDF with your purchase of this title!



Bob Swart 14/08/08 10:45:17The DataSnap and Mobile Development manuals are almost done, and will follow later this month or early September...
Birger 14/08/08 11:57:46Are there any significant changes / improvements to XML/SAOP since Delphi XE?
IL 14/08/08 12:13:24You mean two manuals will follow? Will DataSnap development manual cover FireDAC? Will it cover mobile DataSnap clients only? Specially curious about async fetching of large datasets for server&desktop. Thank you.
Hur AKDULGER 14/08/11 11:21:54Hi, Bob. What about MTOM support?
Michael Skachkov 14/08/12 16:32:26working in XE3. the app calls C# web server (WCF-based). i don't know about XE6, but in XE3 SOAP support is awful. there is one tricky way of successfully calling WCF-service from Delphi (through 1.1 version only btw) but it is so unclear that i could find it experimentally only. hope in XE6 SOAP support is better
Bob Swart 14/08/13 23:28:49There are not really significant changes in the XML/SOAP support, but I do cover how to create non-blicking clients (using threads) and how to deploy on Windows Server 2012, among the new topics...
Bob Swart 14/08/13 23:29:47The DataSnap manual will also briefly cover FireDAC, and it also covers in more detail Mobile DataSnap clients.
IL 14/08/20 10:35:51We really need information on DataSnap REST and FireDAC Reflection architecture to move from c/s to scalable 3-tier desktop application. Desktop first, mobile might be later :) Even DataSnap REST architecture description and its scalable deployment options would be awesome.
synthroid 14/08/22 12:10:39Hello!!! Good site, thanks!
Edwin 14/09/01 17:41:01I need call 100 soap request at the same time. Your document could help me ? client soap call has limit to 2(wininet).....
Edwin 14/09/01 22:11:56I need call 100 soap request at the same time. Your document could help me ? client soap call has limit to 2(wininet).....

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