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Personal question about Chinese characters...

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 11/1/2013 8:25:08 AM (GMT+1)

When sending messages from Android to iPhone (or vice versa) using Whatsapp or Facebook, sometimes the special "smiley" characters on one end are replaced by chinese/japanese characters on the other end, see for an example.
Just out of personal interest, I wonder if anyone has any idea what these characters actually mean. Nothing important, just an interest to see if it is Chinese or Japanese (or neither), and what the meaning of the three individual characters is. Thanks in advanve for any pointers!!



I'm Japanese. 13/11/01 11:17:42Although both Japanese and Chinese uses Kanji letters, it seems to be Chinese.
Jan Doggen 13/11/01 12:21:13Have you tried dumping them into Google Translate?
Justin 13/11/01 13:22:10Yes, they are Chinese characters. But no particular meaning. Just random ones.
Andreas Dorn 13/11/01 13:50:58To me the first one looks like "Hero" (jié) Second one looks like "not" (bu)
Andreas Dorn 13/11/01 15:30:04Hm. I didn't find the 3rd one in any of my dictionaries. The radicals are probably zhú (bamboo) on top of fang (rectangle) + sheng (life)?! With Stroke count 15 and radical zhú it should should be under 9 in:
Bob Swart 13/11/01 19:32:02The second one looks like "not" indeed, thanks Andreas. See also
Carlo Kok 13/11/01 19:47:27Google translate makes it into ??? Which seems to be Japanese translated into english: "Jie not Fulmine" which seems to have no meaning
Eric 13/11/01 20:48:47Could it just be that some code layer doesn't support Unicode but just UCS-2, and thus messes the smileys? Smileys are outside the BMP, they span two WideChar (cf. A corruption would be likely to result in random Chinese characters simply because they're the most common ones in the BMP.
Andreas Dorn 13/11/02 02:16:27Maybe somebody can reconstruct the smily from the codepoints. I think the codepoints are U+20380 U+4E0D U+25C01 The first one wasn't the hero (only looks quite similar...)
top seo guys 13/11/02 02:36:21Egc3dA wow, awesome blog article.
Robert H. 13/11/02 02:56:32My wife Penny (who is Chinese) tells me that it translates roughly into "not a name". When pressed further on the subject she declared "it's just rubbish text" and walked off. Probably doesn't help - sorry ...
Edwin Yip 13/11/02 09:03:24I'm a Chinese. These 3 characters doesn't form a meaningful word or sentence, maybe a result of an error/incompatible encoding.
Gijsbert 13/11/02 21:43:55Hi Bob, In google translate you can draw the charactes using the last input option of the drop down in the left bottom corner of the input box. I think you have to know the stroke order to be really effective. Having done that you get the characters translated. The characters mean: ?: Outstanding ?: not ?: cluster or pile up. The three characters together have no meaning.
Andreas 13/11/03 12:29:49Looking up the characters in the Unicode Radical stroke index is more reliable than OCR. The first character is slightly different from 'jié' (hero, outstanding). It requires a bit of practice to look up characters in Chinese dictionaries, but once you understand the basics about radicals and stroke-counting it's not that difficult. The 1st and 3rd characters don't seem to show up in dictionaries, but on Youtube there are some videos where the first character U+20380 seems to appear as part of a name. Most references on Google for the 3rd Character U+25C01 seem to be Unicode-Charts. The character has similarities to a character that means 'flag' (bamboo + rectangle + ...), so my guess is that it's some kind character that could appear in a name of an ethnic group or a region. There's one page on google where the character appears in a taiwanese bible forum.

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