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Running Delphi on Vista

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 12/4/2006 8:06:42 AM (GMT+1)

Since I mainly use Delphi 7 (for Win32) and Delphi 2006 (for both Win32 and .NET applications), I have started the process of installing and using these versions of Delphi on the final version of Windows Vista to examine the compatibility of Delphi as well as Delphi Win32 (and .NET) applications running on Windows Vista.

In my latest Dr.Bob Examines article, I describe my first experiences with running Delphi 7 on Windows Vista, including a helpful workaround for the compatibility issues which are reported.



Xepol06/12/05 00:20:55So, are you saying that you mainly use Delphi7 for win32 and D2006 for dotnet (with a little playing in win32 for article writing) or that you use D2006 and D7 equally for win32? If you do use D2006 for win32 development beyond just playing for articles, what are the reasons you continue to use D7 for Win32 development?
Bob Swart06/12/05 07:09:46I use Delphi 7 and Delphi 2006 about equally for real-world Win32 development. I prefer Delphi 2006, but there are a few Win32 projects I have to maintain which are written in Delphi 7 (actually, some started as Delphi 5 or earlier, but were moved to Delphi 7). There are a number of reasons why these haven't been moved to Delphi 2006 yet (third-party component usage - the move from D7 to D2006 sometimes means new versions with interface changes; and not every team member uses Delphi 2006 already). And there are also a few CLX projects that need to compile using CrossKylix to a Linux target, and for that we use Delphi 7 as well.
Bob Swart07/02/12 09:23:50\.exe is a good link to get more information on using the WinHlp32.exe on Windows Vista.
Henry07/02/15 11:19:33Thank you for your article. I use it to install Delphi 6 for it acts for D6 exactly the same as you said for Delphi 7. My question : did you solve the registration problem you mentionned ? I went throught the second option (Phone or Web) of the registration process, went on, used my Community account and received the key by mail. i entered it and had the message that registration was OK. But when I want to enter Delphi, it redirects me to the registration process, and I can't use it. I set the execution rights of delphi32.exe and D6Reg.exe to Windows XP SP2 comptability, and privilege to execute as administrator. But still have this issue : I cannot register and use Delphi 6 under Vista. (I still have many developments on D6) Do you have any hint ?
Derrick Ashby 07/03/26 07:47:22I haven't tried to install Delphi on Vista yet, but I have overcome some issues with non Vista software by not installing to the Program Files folder - I think it's an issue with the UAC.
Jos Beukers 07/07/03 22:11:36This Windows problem only occures if you install programs in the "Program files" map. I installed Delphi 7.0 in a map called "c:\Delphi 7". The security issues do not occure and Delphi works fine. The Windows help support can be downloaded from the Microsoft site (Microsoft ask to choose between X64.musu or de X86.msu. They don't explaine the difference between the two. I quessed X86 is for regulare 32 bit systems. It worked for me. Thanks for your tips. They were very helpfull.
jeroen 07/08/17 13:37:42Is het iemand al gelukt om met D2006 en Vista een .Net 1.1 applicatie te debuggen?
Bob Swart 07/08/17 16:38:51Hi jeroen: Ja, ik kan met Delphi 2006 en Windows Vista een ASP.NET 1.1 toepassing debuggen, maar alleen met Cassini, want Delphi 2006 kan gewoon niet met IIS7 omgaan.
Het runnen van ASP.NET 1.1 onder Windows Vista (zonder IDE) is niet zo'n probleem, en debuggen met D2006 en Cassini wil uiteindelijk de meeste mensen ook wel lukken. Maar debuggen met D2006 en IIS7 is volgens mij onmogelijk.
Blikje cola voor wie het wel kan ;-)
Bob Swart 07/08/17 16:54:00Een "gewone" .NET 1.1 toepassing zoals VCL for .NET kan ik helemaal zonder problemen debuggen met Delphi 2006 onder Windows Vista overigens (maar ik neem aan dat je ASP.NET 1.1 bedoelde)...
dean 07/10/15 17:08:04I am struggling to load delphi7 on windows vista. Any Advice?
Bob Swart 07/10/15 17:18:44Hi Dean - what are your specific problems?
dean 07/10/15 17:31:47when i try running the program it says delphi 32 development environment has stopped working microsoft is checking for a solution debug or cancel
Bob Swart 07/10/15 17:43:17Are you running Delphi 7 with the "Run as Administrator" option? Have you given your current user account permissions to write in the Delphi7\bin and Delphi7\projects directories (and the ObjRepos directory as well if I remember correctly?). I'm afraid I can run Delphi 7 on Windows Vista Business "fine", as described in the article...
Ron R. 07/10/17 07:46:35Anybody figured out what to do about Database Desktop (Delphi 7) not working quite right on Vista? Buttons don't show up properly, and cannot save bewly created tables.
Roberto G. 07/11/13 11:07:11Hi Bob, have you tried to open a form which contains the Quick Report component (I'm using the one provided with Delphi 7) under Vista? It seems that it's not compatible since, in my case, the application locks when it's executed this line: if not Assigned(frmTest) then frmTest := TfrmTest.Create(nil); where frmTest is the form that contains the Quick Report component. I disabled the UAC feature of Vista so that I have now full administrative rights.
Jose Daniel 07/11/29 15:16:26Hi...I'm a southafrican delphi developer and want to know if the applications I designed in delphi work fine in Vista?
Johan F 08/02/10 06:11:52can anybody help me? I'm in my senior year and we are programming with Delphi, I just got a smashing new computer with Windows Vista Business, but Vista refuses to install Delphi. "not compatible". can someone help me ? can I override the command? is there a patch or an update available?
Bob Swart 08/02/10 07:21:10The article at also shows the compatibility warning, but assuming you run the install "As Administrator", I am always allowed to continue. Which version of Delphi are you trying to install on which version of Windows Vista? I've not yet heard of anyone who could really not install it...
Nick Cook 08/02/28 12:26:44I installed Delphi5 Pro on a Vista PC and set the necessary directory permissions as you advise, and it worked first time. But I now have the problem that the upgrade installer D5ProUpdate.exe says it cannot find the D5 installation to update the files. It seems that, while the D5 install gets the Program Files path from the OS, the upgrade installer must have a hardwired path. Is there a simple way to get this upgrade to work? Otherwise, I guess the replacement files listed in the release notes need to be copied across from a PC running XP. Running BeyondCompare on the Borland directory between the XP and Vista PCs discovers more than just the listed upgraded files, it also discovers components installed on the XP PC. So is it likely that I will get a cloned version running all my installed components if I just click the BC synchronise button? Seems too good to be true ...
Mohsen 08/03/18 20:46:53I just got a smashing new computer with Windows Vista Home premium, I installed Delphi7 on a vista notebook but when I want to open delphi show me eror then delphi buttoms and .. has disable and not work.can someone help me ?
Gautam More 08/03/24 10:19:20I installed Delphi 7 on Vista but it says its not compatible...i tried the upgrade patch on microsoft but there wasnt any benefit from it...can any one help...i wasnt asked for install using Administrator option either. pls help.
Reg Some Of Delphi Application Exe Files Cann't Run In Windows Vista 08/04/14 15:17:10i have some problem.some of the deplhi7 application file exes are cann't run windows vista enterprise edition.pls help.
Geerhard Brits 08/05/26 18:07:58I tried instaling delphi on vista but it says not compatible please help . i cant find any patches on the web
Daniel 08/07/12 16:33:09I actuallu had no problem with Vista. I disabled UAC and installation worked fine. But now I have a different problem. The same compiled application that are fine on XP, on Vista shows an issue. I normally use shortcuts on controls (example: "Click &here" on a checkbox. If I press the Ctrl or Alt keys for the first time, all those controls just vanish from form (still there, but they just seems to dissapear and only the underscore is visible). This is driving me crazy. I finally got a bulky solution: detect the Ctrl key hooking the WM_KEYDOWN message and then use a Form.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages. But I'm unable to detect the Alt key, it seems not to fire the WM_KEYDOWN message. How can I fix this? Is too much time invested just to a hobby application, but I'm so perfectionistic!
Marcel 08/07/30 10:45:49Concerning the vanishing elements on pressing the Alt Key: there exists a component on QualityCentral that fixes this problem. Have a look at: and
vishal moharikar 08/08/21 13:54:08Hello All...When I use DirectoryExists function on Windows Vista and pass a directory path of a network drive then it always returns false. Please suggest me if you have any solution. Thanks in advance.....
Maurice Loois 08/09/22 12:14:55I want to run Dephi7 on Vista but its giving me an error.Please help me if posible.
Bob Swart 08/09/22 12:56:21Check out for some help...
abul hussam 09/08/28 18:26:29As always, your advice and suggestions were extremely useful. It worked every time. Thanks a lot!
Mia 09/12/10 15:56:30Hi .. I tried to install serial com package for Delphi in Vista, but it keeps showing message that windows can't find the file. Please suggest me if you have any solution for this. Thank you.
kelvin 10/02/05 12:58:10hoho..thx..u help me so much..
Bill Colby-Newton 10/04/03 07:27:39I just tried installing Delphi 5 under Windows Vista Home Premium. The installation went OK, but when I tried to start up Delphi, I kept getting the error message that a file with an .??? extension could not be rename to .dbo, and the IDE basically didn't work. How do I get around this? Thanks! Bill Colby-Newton
Bob Swart 10/04/03 07:58:47Bill: the problem is caused by the fact that Delphi 5 is not allowed to write to the Program Files directory, and that's where it wants to write a .??? file and rename it to .dbo. There are two ways to solve it: either start Delphi with the "Run as Administrator" option, or give it write permission to the Delphi subdirectory in the Program Files directory (I always just run with the as Administrator option - something you can even configure for the shortcut in the Compatibility tab).

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