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UserAgent detection - for Blog on iPhone

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 3/25/2011 9:55:02 PM (GMT+1)

As I wrote in a previous blog post, my blog can now also be read on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, using IntraWeb and the TMS iPhone controls for IntraWeb. In order to make the blog also work on the Android / Galaxy, I would like to know the UserAgent on these devices.

Those of you with a smart phone or device, could you please go to and report the UserAgent (as well as the name/type of the device). Thanks in advance!!



Yves 11/03/25 23:11:36Generally, Android devices have, surprisingly, the string "Android" in their useragent. Phones generally have also the word "Mobile" appearing, which e.g. Tablets like the Motorola Xoom should not have (no guarantee on that, and more about it here: ) Here as example, my HTC Desire: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-gb; Desire_A8181 Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
Rodrigo 11/03/26 02:39:49Bob you must check this page
Pieter van Wyk 11/03/26 08:22:20Could you please let me know how you check? I have a Windows Mobile 6.5 phone with Internet Explorer. When I connect to a test app with the new IPhone TMS Controls, we get an exception with 'Unknow Browser Type'.
Bob Swart 11/03/26 08:33:48The check is done with an IntraWeb XI application, writing out the UserAgent string, nothing fancy. The trouble is that the Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile 6.5 is not supported by IntraWeb XI it seems. I'll see if I can change that (and wonder if it's a bug in IW XI, or indeed a browser version that's not supported correctly at all)...
iPhone 4 11/03/26 23:15:56iPhone 4: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5
Gerard 11/03/27 21:35:59Galaxy S: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;U; Android 2.1-update1; nl-nl;GT-I9000 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17(KHTML,like Gecko)Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17
Bob Swart 11/03/27 21:36:42Thanks all for the feedback, I'll incorporate the Android information in my user session handling.
V Subhash 11/03/28 06:19:53Hi Bob! You do not have to create a special version of your website for mobile devices. Just create mobile stylesheets and use them in alternative link tags (dont forget to use the screen size property).
Bob Swart 11/03/28 07:20:36I'm not creating a special version of my website, but of some web applications that are integrated into my website. Some functionality is ideal for use on the small screens of smart devices like an iPhone (and would make less sense in a normal browser).

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