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Developing iPhone Applications with Embarcadero Delphi Prism XE

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 2/9/2011 4:56:31 PM (GMT+1)

Brian Long has written a new white paper for Embarcadero about Developing iPhone Applications with Embarcadero Delphi Prism XE, using Delphi Prism XE to Develop for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
Apart from the white paper, there are also two tutorial videos available.

On February 14th, 2011, I will organise a Delphi (Prism) XE and iPhone seminar in The Netherlands, where I will also show how to use Delphi Prism XE to build native iPhone applications. Apart from that topic, however, I will also demonstrate the use of the Advantahe WebAPI as well as Delphi XE with IntraWeb and the TMS IntraWeb iPhone Controls to build web based iPhone applications.



Shane H 11/02/11 01:02:10This Title should say: "Developing iPhone Applications with Embarcadero Delphi Prism XE on the Apple MAC!" If you are a Win machine running Delphi Prism XE, you will not be able to follow these steps!
Brian Long 11/02/11 18:00:34You make a good point Shane. iPhone/iPad/iPod development requires you to be working on a Mac as you need to use some of Apple's Xcode tool chain.
seo service 13/09/06 10:59:198qw2bG I appreciate you sharing this article. Will read on...

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