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FREE Advantage Database Server Training Day - Nov 3rd, 2010

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 10/21/2010 1:53:40 PM (GMT+1)

I will be presenting two (Dutch) Delphi sessions at the Advantage Database Server Training Day - Nov 3rd, 2010 in Utrecht, The Netherlands, which is completely FREE if you register from

My two sessions are as follows:

  • Using Advantage TDataSet components with Delphi XE
    In this session, Bob Swart will show how to use the ADS TDataSet descendant components with ADS v10 in a Delphi XE Win32 VCL application.
  • Using ADS v10 in ASP.NET with Delphi Prism
    In this session, Bob Swart will show how to use the Advantage Data Provider for .NET in a small but real-world Delphi Prism XE ASP.NET web application.

Information from Sybase about the whole day:

As in previous years, Sybase is offering training events, enabling everyone to extend his knowledge of the Advantage Database Server and especially of the new version 10. This year the "Advantage TecDay 2010" training tour will include 2-day events in the UK and Germany, and 1-day events in Italy and in The Netherlands, which will take place on 3rd of November. The event is designed for everyone involved with Advantage (network administrators, supporters, developers etc.), whereas the Developer Training offers a more in-depth look at Advantage, building on existing knowledge.
In The Netherlands we offer a comprehensive one day training covering the topics mentioned above, with the option to attend IDE-specific afternoon sessions from our local Delphi expert, Bob Swart. He will present on 2 topics in Dutch, firstly on the Advantage TDataSet components with Delphi XE, and secondly on using ADS v10 in ASP.NET with Delphi Prism.

This is a great resource for anyone involved in development or support of Advantage. The comprehensive training provides tips and tricks, expert instruction for your development type, and a chance for you to give us your feedback. The Seminar runs from 9:00 to 17:30 and includes lunch.



Jonni 12/01/21 17:06:06Right on-this helped me sort thigns right out.
Bob Swart 12/01/21 17:20:18Are you really that stupid? Please comment spammer, don't insult my blog by posting these comments with deliberate typing mistakes. OK? Morno... ;-)

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