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Free Delphi Prism 2011 with order of Delphi 2010

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 6/11/2010 4:17:25 PM (GMT+1)

For only a few weeks more (until June 28th), the special RAD Studio PROMO is valid: when you order Delphi 2010, you get RAD Studio 2010 delivered instead (including Delphi 2010, C++Builder 2010 and Delphi Prism 2010).

As of May 26th, another special offer started: when you purchase RAD Studio 2010 (between May 26th and September 15th, 2010), you get a free Delphi Prism 2011 license. The free license must be redeemed by September 30, 2010.

So, until the end of the RAD Studio PROMO action (only a few more weeks), you may get a free Delphi Prism 2011 with your order of Delphi 2010 (and delivery of RAD Studio 2010).

In order to get your free Delphi Prism 2011, you need to visit (after you registered RAD Studio 2010).



Tom 10/06/11 18:43:09Does that mean if I upgrade Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2010 i get RAD Studio 2010 + Delphi Prism 2011 + CodeSite ?
Bob Swart 10/06/11 18:45:30Yes, for a limited time it does...
HeartWare 10/06/11 23:00:06Just to clarity and to be certain: I have a Delphi 2007 Professional license. If I pay €474.81 for a Delphi 2010 Win32 via the link above, I'll receive RAD Studio 2010 (Delphi 2010 Win32 + C++Builder 2010) and a license for Delphi Prism 2011 to be redeemed after I register my RAD Studio 2010?
HeartWare 10/06/11 23:01:33(Clarity -> Clarify) By "Delphi 2010 Win32" I mean "Delphi 2010 Win32, Professional, Upgrade, Single User".
Bob Swart 10/06/11 23:31:34I double-checked with Pawel Glowacki from Embarcadero EMEA, and he literaly said that all info in this blog post looked correct to him ;-)
Bob Swart 10/06/12 08:50:26@HeartWare: you can order Delphi 2010 for Win32 with the link to (for BeNeLux) or (for UK) and get RAD Studio 2010 delivered. After installation and registration of RAD Studio 2010, you can go to to pick up your free Delphi Prism 2011. Note that you will also get the Delphi 2010 Development Essentials and Delphi Prism 2010 Development Essentials PDF files (but only if you order from me).
Bob Swart 10/06/12 09:08:16And if you're really smart, you include subscription with your order (which will be a RAD Studio subscription at that point), to ensure you also get Delphi 2011 and RAD Studio 2011 when they become available.
IL 10/06/12 18:46:41By the way, how much does 1Y subscription for RAD Studio Professional ordered from you cost now?
IL 10/06/12 19:35:12Found about 1Y subscription for Professional editions already using calculator on €420 - RAD Studio; €270 - Delphi Win32; €250 - Delphi Prism, but not sold separately and offered as New User only, so €499 - for both NEW and UPGRADE. By the way, don't you know why where are no upgrade licenses for Delphi Prism?
Tom 10/06/12 21:53:56I wonder what is 'CodeSite Delphi Prism Edition' ( mentioned by Nick Hodges' Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene #159 ) because quoted link shows one and only CodeSite edition for multiple development frameworks. Is this special edition some cripled version that can be used only for Delphi Prism 2011? In the opposite CodeSite is $399 value which is the biggest in this offer.
Bob Swart 10/06/14 16:51:34Delphi Prism is really only sold with one year subscription. You should renew your subscription to make sure you always get the latest version. There is no upgrade, since the license price is equal to the subscription price (so it you let your subscription lapse, you need to buy a new version again).

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