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Delphi Prism and ASP.NET SOAP Web Services

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 2/23/2009 12:35:59 PM (GMT+1)

This weekend, I've published two new articles on building, deploying and consuming SOAP Web Services with Delphi Prism (using ASP.NET), showing also how to make asynchronous calls from Delphi Prism clients.

In the first article, I'll implement and deploy an ASP.NET SOAP Web Service with Delphi Prism 2009, writing a web method that can convert numbers to (Dutch) words.

In the follow-up article, I'll demonstrate how to consume and use Web Services using Delphi Prism again, showing how to make synchronous as well as asynchronous calls to the web methods.

For people using BDS 2006 or RAD Studio 2007 to build Win32 or ASP.NET Web Services, I can recommend my two courseware manuals. The Delphi 2006 one is published on Lulu and available as Paperback or PDF, but will not be updated any further. The RAD Studio 2007 edition of the courseware manual is only available in PDF format directly from me, but includes free updates and e-mail support for the topics covered in the manual. Both manuals also cover programming with XML in Win32 and .NET, by the way.

A Delphi 2009 for Win32 edition of the XML, SOAP and Web Services manual is being written, but awaits some SOAP fixes (SOAP attachments are broken in Delphi 2009 for example). The Delphi Prism Development Essentials manual itself is almost finished, and will be published before the end of this quarter.

Note that any purchase of a PDF courseware manual directly for me will also include the Delphi 2009 Development Essentials manual as a free bonus.


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