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Paperbacks on Lulu but PDF directly from me

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 11/21/2008 4:33:17 PM (GMT+1)

Some people have noticed that my recent Delphi courseware manual titles can still be purchased in printed paperback format from, but PDF downloads are only available directly from me. This is a recent change (by me), based on the fact that recent titles get updated on a frequent basis (like once every 2-3 months), and I like to offer updates to people who purchase an electronic edition (as well as e-mail support for the topics covered in the books).

The electronic PDF files are typically 99 Euro each, and available from my own site where you can order them, and I have a record of your order, so I also know where to send the updates. From Lulu, I only get an overview of the total sales, without the details of the people who purchased the manuals (so it's hard to send you an update - and for a paperback it's even harder, since it means printing the manual again, so this is not something that can be done for free anyway, unlike the PDF files that only require an e-mail message once every few months).

If the electronic versions are too expensive, then please enjoy the printed paperback versions. Best of all: if you've in the neighbourhood: attend one of my training classes in The Netherlands, the UK (I'm just back from a 2-day masterclass on Delphi 2009) or Sweden. These days not only include the latest manuals, but also yours truly himself ;-)


1 Comment

Bob Swart 08/11/24 08:04:14The Delphi 2009 Development Essentials has just been published, and is available in PDF as well as paperback format from The Delphi 2009 Development Essentials book has also been re-enabled as PDF purchase from From now on, only the more in-depth titles like Delphi Database Development or VCL for the Web Development will be offered in paperback only from or in PDF format with support from my own site.

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