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Delphi 2009 Development Essentials PDF (updated)

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 9/20/2008 8:42:42 AM (GMT+1)

I'm pleased to announce my Delphi 2009 Development Essentials PDF manual, covering the new features in Delphi 2009 including sections on the Delphi 2009 IDE, Language Enhancements (including the Generics.Defaults and Generics.Collections units), RTL/VCL Enhancements (including coverage of the Ribbon controls), COM Enhancements, DBX4 and DataSnap Enhancements and detailed coverage of Unicode.

The first edition of the PDF manual will be sent out to all my Delphi 2009 Upgrade, New User and Subscription clients in the BeNeLux. They will also get free updates of the PDF file, which will be published in October (just before the SDC) and in November (just before my seminar in the UK).

This courseware manual will also be used during my Delphi 2009 MasterClass in November in the UK, as well as my Delphi 2009 / RAD Studio training days in Stockholm, Sweden next year. So if you're not from the BeNeLux, then you could consider attending either of these two events to get your hands on the PDF file, too ;-)

Update: anyone who has every purchased a PDF manual from me before in the past few years (not from Lulu, since then I don't know you name, but directly from me), or who hired me for training, consultancy or development will also get the PDF manual for free in their mailbox. They will get the PDF in the weekend of October 4-5 (the first update of the PDF), while my Delphi 2009 customers will get their first version this weekend.
After the November masterclass in the UK, I will send out the second update (and final version) and put that one as paperback on for everyone else to purchase.



Bruce McGee 08/09/18 19:17:00Anything we North Americans can do to get our hands on this PDF?
Bob Swart 08/09/18 19:53:21Bruce: how about this - anyone who has every purchased a PDF manual from me before in the past few years (not from Lulu, since then I don't know you name, but directly from me), or who hired me for training, consultancy or development will also get the PDF manual for free in their mailbox.
I wasn't planning on putting it up for sale, since that would defeat the purpose of 'seducing' people in BeNeLux to order their Delphi 2009 upgrade through me ;-)
Ben Pratt 08/09/18 20:17:31Are you planning to do a C++Builder version? Could you offer it for sale to people with Non-BeNeLux addresses?
Rick HAzell 08/09/18 20:19:12Do we need to formally request it will it come automatically. Thanks, the proud owner of "Delphi 2007 for Win32 VCL for the Web Development"
Bob Swart 08/09/18 20:34:52Ben: To be honest, I probably will not do a C++Builder version, sorry. I may consider offering it for sale for people with a non-BeNeLux address, but only when the final version is ready (after November 18th).
Bob Swart 08/09/18 20:38:04Rick: I have you on file as "Richard Hazell" so you will get the book as well, no worries. And no need for formal requests for anyone (if I sent you an invoice, I've got you on file :)), I just need to adjust the parameters for my auto-mailer once the PDF is finished (with the e-mail address inside).
Michael 08/09/18 21:08:36Now Bob, you know my name and I would be pleased to get your new PDF ;-) Just joking, however I could send you the order confirmation from Lulu, perhaps this would make you loving me ;-)
Bob Swart 08/09/18 21:28:33Michael: I'm afraid will not offer a free PDF file for people who bought my book(s) on, as I also do not offer free upgrades for books purchased on However, there's a good chance I will put the Delphi 2009 Development Essentials PDF file itself on to be purchased as paperback (again, after the November masterclass in the UK). That will be the final version - I don't want to put it on Lulu before that time anyway.
Michael 08/09/18 21:32:57Hi Bob, no problem and of course I will surely buy the printed version from Lulu in November! CU
Ralf Grenzing 08/09/20 00:00:38Hi Bob, I guess and hope I am on your list? I send you the "best suggestion ever" poster after the counsulting day. And I am looking forward to get the pdf on my mailbox! Have a nice weekend
Bruce McGee 08/09/20 00:22:44Sounds reasonable to me. Thanks.
Bob Swart 08/09/20 08:39:19Ralf: yes, you are on the list as well (for the Workshop in Helmond back in 2005).
Bob Swart 08/09/22 08:43:19The first edition of the PDF manual has been published now and sent out to my Delphi 2009 customers. The table of contents can be seen online at
Jens Borrisholt 08/11/04 08:33:10Where can I buy the book ? Because I cant find it under "Books by Bob Swart" or "Books on" Jens B :D
Bob Swart 08/11/04 09:04:02Jens: as I write above, *after* the masterclass in the UK, I will put the manual for sale on (as paperback only), so you need to wait a few more weeks, sorry. PDF editions will only be sent to my current customers (for free)...

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