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Delphi / RAD Studio 2007 April 2008 Hotfix

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 4/19/2008 10:31:56 AM (GMT+1)

The CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 / Delphi 2007 for Win32 / C++Builder 2007 April HotFix is available for download from the Registered Users website.
Note that the December 2007 Update (11.0.2890.10344) must have been installed prior to installing this hotfix (check your about box to verify).

See the Release Notes for more details and a list of fixes, which are also listed in the second page of the installer itself:

Don't be alarmed when the installer mentioned that the current hotfix level is 0 (the December 2007 Update was not a hotfix).

A number of files will be checked and installed, until the hotfix is done:

Note that there is no visual indication in the About Box (which still lists the December 2007 Update as last update, not showing the hotfixes, but the version number now shows 11.0.2902.10471):



Fernando Madruga 08/04/19 12:10:00"but the version number now shows 11.0.2902.10471" - That's something that Nick could have mentioned rather than say that you can re-apply the hotfix if in doubt! :) Thanks for the info.
Bob Swart 08/04/19 12:31:55Actually, I found that on another machine with the December 2007 Update (but not the April 2008 Hotfix, yet) the version number was already at 11.0.2902.10471, so that was no correct indication.
Bob Swart 08/04/19 12:46:56If you click the Version Info... button in the About Box, you will see that bcbide100.bpl, dcc110il.dll, delphicoreide100.bpl, htlphelp2100.bpl and xmlrtl100.bpl now have a version number of 11.0.2987.10799 and dcc100.dll has a version number of 11.0.2963.11001 (all with date/time stamp of March 27th, just like dcc32.exe).
Bob Swart 08/04/21 13:35:11Make that 11.0.2987.10779 (and not 10799 sorry)
Tom Collins 08/06/19 09:56:48What's the filename of this update?
Bob Swart 08/06/19 11:09:19Tom: the filename is radstudio2007apr08hotfix.exe but you can download it by clicking on the "April 08 Hotfix for CodeGear RAD Studio 2007" item in the registered users page...
Radek Cervinka 11/01/21 10:26:25After reinstalling RAD studio, Level in registry is not cleared. So patch is not installed.

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