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Delphi Command-Line Options

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 8/7/2007 1:06:59 PM (GMT+1)

There is an easy way to get the list of command-line switches and options for Borland Developer Studio (BDS) and CodeGear RAD Studio: just start the IDE with the -? command-line option. This will not only start your copy of the IDE, but also invokes the help and navigates to the help topic that gives the complete list of command-line switches and options (this by the way is also the page that contains this little gem of information).
Works for Delphi 2006 as well as Delphi 2007 and C++Builder 2007, and even with Delphi 7 (I guess it'll be a little trivia to find out in exactly which version of Delphi this was introduced - I'm guessing Delphi 5 myself)...


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