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 Dr.Bob's Delphi 2010 Clinic
Note:  This section of Dr.Bob's Delphi Clinic is devoted to news about Delphi 2010, which had the codename "Weaver".

2010/05/31 - Fun with the Windows 7 Taskbar
In this article, I'll show how we can manipulate the Windows 7 taskbar, and also how to solve an issue when running an application with the “run as Administrator” option while needing the taskbar to be able to send messages to it.

2010/04/11 - Moving from the BDE to ADS
In this article, I'll explain how developers can migrate from the (deprecated!) BDE to the Advantage Database Server (ADS) and the Advantage TDataSet descendant components.

2010/03/18 - Delphi 2010 XML, SOAP & Web Services
My latest Delphi 2010 courseware is published: about XML, SOAP & Web Services - available as PDF from my webshop for 99 Euro (including updates and e-mail support).
New buyers of the PDF manual can get a second manual for free, with a choice between:

You can also buy the paperback edition from for 42 Euro (without updates, e-mail support, no bonus PDF).

2010/02/22 - Michael Rozlog interview
Jim McKeeth from has conducted a podcast with Micheal Rozlog, the Delphi product manager. Among other things, Michael talks about the next version of Delphi, which support Windows and Mac OS X targets. There will be a preview for Linux target. Right now, this upcoming version is in beta at select third party developers.
Regarding Turbo Delphi, Michael says he wants to make a new version, because of the importance to get new people started with Delphi. However, no decision have been taken yet.

2010/01/31 - Delphi 2010 Delayed Dynamic Link Libraries
In this article, I'll demonstrate how we can use the new delayed keyword as new way to load DLLs (compared to implicit and explicit importing).

2010/01/07 - Unicode Migration White Paper
Embarcadero has published Cary Jensen's Unicode Migration White Paper on the Embarcadero Developer Network site. One of my examples was used and quoted by Cary in this paper, and overall I think it's a good resource and a must-read for anyone who plans to do some Unicode migration.

2009/12/31 - AutoIncrement fields and DataSnap 2010
In this article, I'll explain and demonstrate how we can define and use AutoIncrement fields (in SQL Server or Blackfish SQL) with Delphi 2010's DataSnap.

2009/12/16 - Delphi 2010 Updates 4 and 5
Read the Release Notes of Delphi and C++Builder 2010 Updates 4, 5 (Database Pack), and Boost Library.

2009/12/02 - Delphi 2010 Resources
Pawel Glowacki has posted a list of Delphi 2010 Resources on his weblog.

2009/10/18 - DataSnap 2010 White Paper
Embarcadero has published my 53-page white paper about DataSnap 2010, including special videos published on YouTube. In this white paper, I cover DataSnap History, DataSnap Windows Targets, DataSnap and Databases, DataSnap Filters, DataSnap Web Targets, HTTP(S) and Authentication, REST and JSON, DataSnap and .NET and more.

2009/09/08-11: CodeRage IV
CodeRage IV is a virtual conference starting Tuesday, Sept 8th, 2009 (5:00 PCT - 14:00 GMT+1) until Friday Sept 11th, 2009. It's free, but you need to register in order to be able to attend the sessions.

2009/08/25 - Delphi 2010 Launched
Today, Embarcadero launched the 2010-editions of Delphi, C++Builder, Delphi Prism and RAD Studio. You can read more information in the Release Notes, or in the RAD Studio 2010 product page.
Developers from the BeNeLux can order their licenses from me. If you're from The Netherlands, make sure to check out my free Delphi 2010 and RAD Studio 2010 launch workshop in Helmond Brandevoort on September 11th, 2009.

2009/05/18 - Delphi Weaver Main Themes
Delphi Weaver is the codename for the next version of Delphi (see Splash screen), which can roughly be expected in the second half of 2009. The main themes for Delphi Weaver will be:

(source: photo 21 and photo 22 from Robert Love of the slides used at Delphi Live)

2009 April - Delphi "Weaver" Beta
Embarcadero beta programs are designed to meet the needs of customers and internal development teams during the launch of a new version a product. The beta test process helps Embarcadero determine the quality of a product before it is released to the general public.
April 2009 is the estimated start date of the Delphi "Weaver" Beta.

2009/01/07 - The Future of the Delphi Compiler
Nick Hodges has published an article on Developer Network about the future of the Delphi Compiler. In this article, Nick talks about the Compiler Front End (the part that defines what the language is), with the idea to create a new Front End to offer a choice between a new, non-legacy syntax and the older way of coding (read the article to example of legacy syntax). New code would have to be put in a new type of code module (so it looks like there would be no mixing of code, although you may be able to use both kinds of modules in your projects).
Nick also talks about the Compiler Back Ends (one for Delphi, one for C++) which currently produce 32-bit binaries for Windows. A new Back End would be able to produce 64-bit for Windows, and should be shared by both Delphi and C++, and "a bit more flexible with respect to what architecture it targets" (or so Nick writes).
Doing a new Compiler Front End and unified Back End (for both Delphi and C++Builder) will take time. The team plans to release a preview of the 64-bit compiler (just the compiler, not the IDE) in mid-2009, and the final 64-bit version of Delphi should be ready min-2010.

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