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 Dr.Bob's Delphi 10.1 Berlin News
Note:  This section of Dr.Bob's Delphi Clinic is devoted to news about Delphi 10.1 Berlin.

2017 Sept-Nov: Delphi Developer Days 2017 with Cary Jensen and Bob Swart
I'm back doing Delphi Developer Days this year, with a Special Edition Database Workshop. Cary Jensen has just announced the Delphi Developer Days 2017 Special Edition Database Workshop tour in the USA (Chicago, Sept 25-26), Europe (Frankfurt, Germany, Nov 28-29) and Scandinavia (Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov 24-25).
The workshop starts with a detailed look at connecting to data and configuring FireDAC, and continues with a look at some of FireDAC’s more advanced features, including Array DML, the SQL command preprocessor, and cached updates.
The workshop continues with an in-depth discussion of multi-tier development. Topics include creating DataSnap servers and using Embarcadero’s RAD Server. Here you will learn how to access your data from mobile applications, how to support both Delphi and non-Delphi clients using REST (REpresentational State Transfer), and how to create RAD Server microservices with Delphi.

2017/09/18 - RAD Studio Roadmap Update
Check out the The RAD Studio Roadmap Update, updated with the 10.2.1 actual release and the specific 10.2.2 plans, along with the focus areas for 10.3 next year.

2017/01/11 - RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Hotfix: 11 Jan 2017
This hotfix includes the contents of 10.1 Berlin Debugger Hotfix from December 2016. You only need to install this hotfix; you do not need to install the debugger hotfix first. This hotfix provides fixes for:

This update is only available to Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin customers with iOS features and an active Update Subscription.

2016/12/20 - Debugger Hotfix for 10.1 Berlin for iOS 32-bit debugging
Debugger Hotfix for debugging iOS 32-bit applications that run on iOS 10 with Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin
This update is only available to Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin customers with iOS features and an active Update Subscription.

2016/11/15 - Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 2 Released
Embarcadero has released the second Subscription Update of RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 10.1 Berlin, with bug fixes as well as new features. You can download the ISO Installer or the Getit-based Web Install.
Note that it's important to use the same installer that you used for the RTM and Update 1. It appears that the registry settings are not quite compatible (or so I heard)... If you don't remember which installer you used: just start the IDE and look at the Welcome Page. If it shows the "Platforms and Extensions Manager", then you used the new GetIt installer, otherwise you need the ISO.

2016/09/19 - Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 1 Released
Embarcadero has released the first Subscription Update of RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 10.1 Berlin, with lots of bug fixes. You can download the ISO Installer or the Getit-based Web Install.
Note that it's important to use the same installer that you used for the RTM.

2016/08/31 - Product Roadmap August 2016
In February, we provided a detailed view of our Product Roadmap and we committed to update this Roadmap every six months to provide our many customers with good visibility into what is to come. As requested by many of you, we are moving to more updates and one larger release per year.
We have an exciting plan* that we will continue to fine tune to reflect customer and MVP requirements and input. One change from before is RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 2 that will provide required support for Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, with specific support for the Windows Desktop Bridge, also known as Centennial. This update will also include new Win10 Anniversary Styles and UX controls.
While we continue to make excellent progress on Godzilla, we want to keep up-to-date with Microsoft developments. To further expand our Windows 10 support, Update 2 will also include new Windows 10 Anniversary Edition styles and user interface controls.
As it was already discussed, the plan is to go back to a yearly release cycle, and offer 2 or 3 updates with additional features and support for new versions of the operating systems released during that time frame. This is an overall view of the roadmap, followed by some detailed comments by the three RAD Studio Product Managers: Marco, David, and Sarina.

2016/07/06 - Object Pascal Handbook by Marco Cantu - Updated for 10.1 Berlin
This newly updated 500-page ebook is a complete guide to the current, modern Object Pascal programming language by best-selling Delphi books author and Delphi Senior Product Manager, Marco Cantu. This new language manual for new & existing Object Pascal developers covers core language features, object-oriented programming with Object Pascal, and the latest language features like generics, anonymous methods, and reflection in today’s Delphi compilers. The updated edition has been revised for Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
Available to registered users of Delphi 10.1, C++Builder 10.1 (except Starter), RAD Studio 10.1, and Embarcadero All-Access XE

2016/06/08 - Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole
Marco Cantù writes: "Embarcadero made a change to the Delphi compiler in 10.1 Berlin to close an existing bug that allowed access to private data of any class via a class helper. Developers who were leveraging this hack will need a migration strategy.

2016/05/30 - IDE Fix Pack 5.95 for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
The IDE Fix Pack 5.95 supports RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.

2016/05/29 - DDevExtensions and DFMCheck for 10.1 Berlin
The DDevExtensions and the DFMCheck IDE plugins are now available for 10.1 Berlin.

2016/05/03 - April 2016 RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Hotfix for DataSnap
This hotfix resolves an issue with DataSnap servers failing with an error when applying updates from a client or requesting a refresh. The error raised is "Invalid variant type conversion".
Updated on May 3rd, 2016 to remove extraneous files.

2016/04/29 - April 2016 RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Hotfix for Samsung Galaxy
This hotfix resolves an issue with debugging Android applications on Samsung Galaxy 6 Edge devices running Android 6.0.1. This fix addresses Quality Portal issue RSP-14033.

2016/04/20 - What's New and Fix List
Apart from the Release Notes and Installation Notes, we can also read the list of fixes in Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.

2016/04/19 - IP*Works for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
The full version of /n software’s IP*Works components - A comprehensive suite of components for Internet communications including more than 40 individual components covering every major Internet Protocol.

2016/04/19 - FastReport FMX for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
FastReport FMX for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 10.1 Berlin.

2016/04/19 - FastReport VCL 5 for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
FastReport VCL 5 for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 10.1 Berlin.

2016/04/19 - VCL Premium Styles Pack for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
Customize the look of your VCL Windows applications with eight premium styles included in this style pack. Choose from the Coral, Diamond, Emerald, Sterling, Jet, Vapor, Copper, Copper Dark and Radiant styles to change the look of your application.

2016/04/19 - FireMonkey Premium Styles Pack for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
Customize your multi-device applications with nine premium FireMonkey styles. Choose from Jet, Sterling, Diamond, Emerald Crystal, Emerald Dark, Coral Crystal, Coral Dark, Vapor, Copper, Copper Dark and Radiant styles, optimized for iOS, Android, Windows and Mac application development.

2016/04/19 - FireMonkey Accessibility Pack for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
The Accessibility Library supports the JAWS screen reader on Windows and the VoiceOver screen reader on Mac OS X. FireMonkey accessibility support is available for Delphi/C++Builder 10.1 Berlin for Windows Win32, Win64 and for Mac OS X applications.

2016/04/19 - BDE Installer for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
BDE Installer for RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder 10.1 Berlin. Note: you need 10.1 Berlin already installed to add the BDE to your installation. After you have installed the BDE, you will also need to install the components into the 10.1 Berlin IDE if you want to work with the components at design time.

2016/04/19 - Delphi 10.1 Berlin Released
Embarcadero has released Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin in Professional, Enterprise and Architect editions. You can download the ISO Installer or the Web Install (registered 10.1 users only, I'm afraid). The Web Installer offers a GetIt-way to install, which is quite nice!

Licenses are now sold with one year subscription included. Developers from the Eurozone can order an Upgrade or New User license from my webshop.

This webpage © 2005-2017 by Bob Swart (aka Dr.Bob - All Rights Reserved.