Linux Programming Books
Linux Socket Programming - Sean Walton 
Linux Programming Unleashed - Kurt Wall, Mark Watson and Mark Whitis et alia.
Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux in 24 Hours - Judith Samson, Jason Byars, Dallas Releford
Learning Red Hat Linux - Bill McCarty
Borland JBuilder Books
Referentia for JBuilder 3 - Building Database Applications
JBuilder 2 Bible - Eric Armstrong
Teach Yourself JBuilder 2 in 21 Days - Donald Doherty & Michelle M. Manning
Borland's JBuilder: No Experience Required - John Zukowski
Teach Yourself Borland JBuilder in 21 Days - Michelle M. Manning
Borland C++Builder Books
Borland C++Builder 4 Unleashed - Kent Reisdorph (and Bob Swart)
Borland C++Builder 3 for Dummies - Jason Vokes
Borland C++Builder 3 Unleashed - Charlie Calvert
Teach Yourself Borland C++Builder 3 in 21 Days - Kent Reisdorph
Borland C++Builder How-To - John Miano, Harold Howe & Tom Cabanski
High Performance C++Builder Programming - Matt Telles
Borland C++Builder for Dummies - Jason Vokes
Borland C++Builder Programming Explorer - Jim Mischel & Jeff Duntemann
Borland C++Builder Unleashed - Charlie Calvert
Teach Yourself Borland C++Builder in 21 Days - Kent Reisdorph & Ken Henderson
Delphi 5 Books
Mastering Delphi 5 - Marco Cantù
Delphi 5 Developer's Guide - Steve Teixeira & Xavier Pacheco
Delphi COM Programming - Eric Harmon
Delphi in a Nutshell - Ray Lishner
Delphi Developer's Guide to OpenGL - Jon Jacobs
Delphi Graphics and Game Programming Exposed - John Ayres
Delphi 4 Books
Delphi 4 Unleashed - Charlie Calvert (with guest-chapter by Bob Swart)
Mastering Delphi 4 - Marco Cantù
Delphi 4 Developer's Guide - Steve Teixeira & Xavier Pacheco
Delphi 4 Bible - Tom Swan
Teach Yourself Delphi 4 in 21 Days - Kent Reisdorph.
Delphi 3 Books
Delphi 3 Client/Server Developer's Guide - Ken Henderson
Delphi 3 - User Interface Design - Warren Kovach
Developing Custom Delphi 3 Components - Ray Konopka
Mastering Delphi 3 - Marco Cantù
Delphi 2 Books
Revolutionary Guide to Delphi 2 - Bob Swart, Arjan Jansen, Brian Long, etc.
Building Internet Applications with Delphi 2 - Davis Chapman
Delphi Programming Problem Solver - Neil Rubenking
Delphi Programming for Dummies (2nd.) - Neil Rubenking
Borland's Official No-Nonsense Guide to Delphi 2 - Michelle M. Manning
Delphi 1 Books
Delphi Programming for Dummies - Neil Rubenking
Instant Delphi - Dave Jewell
Delphi Programming Explorer - Jeff Duntemann, Jim Mischel en Don Taylor
Delphi Unleashed - Charlie Calvert
Teach Yourself Delphi in 21 Days - Andrew J. Wozniewicz, etc.
Developing Windows Applications Using Delphi - Paul Penrod
Borland Delphi How-To - Gary Frerking, Nathan Wallace, Wayne Niddery
Foundations of Delphi Development for Windows 95 - Tom Swan
Developing Custom Delphi Components - Ray Konopka
Delphi Database Development - Ted Blue, John Kaster, Greg Lief & Loren Scott
Internet Book Reviews

Java in a Nutshell - A Desktop Quick Reference - David Flanagan

Active Server Pages Black Book - Al Williams, Kim Barber & Paul Newkirk

Visual Developer SQL Database Programming with Java - Bill McCarthy

Client/Server Programming with JAVA & CORBA - Robert Orfail, Dan Harkey

Web Developer's Guide to java beans - Jalal Feghhi

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 FrontRunner - Mary Millhollon, etc.

Build Your Own FrontPage 97 Web Sites - Steve Graves

Castanet & Bongo Programming Frontrunner - Neil Bartlett, Steve Simkin

Java Programming Language Handbook David H. Friedel, Jr. & Anthony Potts

Visual Café Programming Frontrunner - Doug Garret, Anthony Potts, etc.

Web Developer's Guide to JavaScript & VBScript - Pater Aitken
Miscellaneous Book Reviews

COM/DCOM Unleashed - Randy Abernethy, Randy Morin, and Jesús Chahín

Oracle 8 & Windows NT Black Book - Mike Curtis, Jacqueline King

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable OO Software - Erich Gamma et al.

Windows Programming Power with Custom Controls - Paul Cilwa & Jeff Duntemann

Efficient C/C++ Programming - Steve Heller

Inside Windows 95 - Adrian King

Windows NT4 Administrator's Black Book - Paul Taylor